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Communication in Collective Action

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1 Communication in Collective Action

2 What is a Social Movement?
…Collectivities acting with organizational coherence outside institutional or organizational channels with the aim of challenging, resisting or even overturning such systems. Snow / Soule, 2011: 6

3 What is Necessary for Collective Action?
Injustice Trigger that Amplifies Injustice. Claim that aims to correct Injustice. Communications Infrastructure that spreads the word about Injustice, the Trigger, and the Claim. Repertoires (practices) that overturn structures of power that elicit consent.

4 Order, Consent, Communication
Society functions on the basis of consent in which individuals / organizations submit to institutionalized rules of power and order. Communications infrastructure provides an instrument for promoting consent to institutionalized rules. Social movements challenge the systems of belief supporting institutionalized rules of consent in presenting an alternative. Social movements use communications infrastructure to project alternative beliefs and attract individuals to the movement.

5 Communication and Social Movements
How is the role of communication in protest and social movements? What is the relationship of media to collective activity? How do we understand communication and the notion of social “ties” between people?

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