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Max the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick chapters 1-14

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1 Max the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick chapters 1-14
All photos taken from google images.

2 Taunting--reproaching in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mocking; provoking by taunts

3 Ballistic--to become overwrought or irrational

4 Oaf--a clumsy, stupid person; lout; simpleton; dunce; blockhead

5 Trudging--walking, especially laboriously or wearily

6 Menacing--expressing or serving as a threat

7 Assaulted—made a physical attack on

8 Fidgeting--making small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience

9 Schooner--a sailing ship with two or more masts, typically with the foremast smaller than the mainmast, and having gaff-rigged lower masts; 19th-century covered wagon popularly used by emigrants traveling to the American West

10 Oblige--do as (someone) asks or desires in order to help or please them; make (someone) legally or morally bound to an action or course of action; be indebted or grateful

11 Outlaws—people who have broken the law, especially ones who remain at large or are fugitives

12 Malfunction--a failure to function in a normal or satisfactory manner

13 Heroic--having the characteristics of a hero or heroine; very brave

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