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Narrative Writing #8.

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1 Narrative Writing #8

2 Small Gestures 1. who 2. what 3. where 4. when 5. why Brainstorming

3 Brainstorming 1. feel 2. hear 3. taste 4. taste 5. See action
Small Gestures 1. feel 2. hear 3. taste 4. taste 5. See Brainstorming action

4 An excitement was in the air The excitement was contagious The excitement was caused by the crowd The crowd was descending The descending was on the night market The crown was in search of a bargain The atmosphere was electric The atmosphere was electric and a contagious excitement was in the air, as the crowd descended on the night market in search of a bargain.

5 Learning 1. Describing the atmosphere allow your reader to feel the energy of the words that you are trying to express 2. we have described people, atmosphere and action in one sentence

6 A vendor was still unpacking The unpacking was in preparation The preparation was for her first customer The boxes were full of clothes The clothes were children’s The vendor was young The vendor bounced through her routine Pushing through her routine a vendor was still young unpacking boxes of clothes children’s in preparation for her first customer, when something made her look up.

7 Learning 1.Talking about an individual is always stronger than talking about a crowd of people 2. We included some characteristics of the character, what she is doing and why she is doing it

8 The vendor finished A young boy approached The approach was slow The boy was eight years old His expression was curious The expression was on his face Finished, A young boy eight year old slowly approached, a curious expression on his face.

9 Learning 1.Talking about the expression on someone’s face is very small, so it gives the reader a very clear picture 2.Use adverbs to describe your verbs….approached slowly

10 The vendor smiled The boy picked up a hat He examined it for quality and size She knew the hat was in fashion She knew he would turn heads The head turning would be as he left the market The vender smiled when the boy picked up a hat, knowing that it was in fashion and would turn heads as he left the market.

11 Learning 1.Talking about the expression on someone’s face is very small, so it gives the reader a very clear picture 2.Use adverbs to describe your verbs….approached slowly

12 He looked in his pocket The looking was to check his money He made eye contact The contact was with the vendor He knew his money was not enough Looking in his pocket to check his money, he made eye contact with the vendor knowing that his it was not enough.

13 Learning 1. Leaving something unsaid makes your reader read more
2. Remember to describe small actions to put a clear picture in your reader’s mind

14 The vendor had a kind heart The vendor allowed the boy to negotiate The negotiation was for a cheaper price He negotiation was down The down was to $3.25 It changed the boys life… The vendor had a kind heart and allowed the boy to negotiate down to the cheaper price of $3.25 which changed the boys life.

15 Leaning 1.Pull at the heart strings of your reader…touch your reader’s heart 2.Add ellipses at the end allows the reader to create their own ending or when you want to leave something unsaid

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