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The Reasons for Seasons

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1 The Reasons for Seasons
Copyright 2005 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia 2/24/2019 The Seasons

2 Rotation vs. Revolution
Rotation is the spin of an object about its axis. The Earth rotates once a day (once every 24 hours). Revolution is the orbit of one object around another. The Earth revolves around the Sun every days. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

3 Tilt of the Earth’s Axis
The axis around which the Earth rotates is tilted by 23.5 degrees. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

4 2/24/2019 The Seasons

5 Do this… Complete 1-4: Checking Concepts on Page 327.
Complete 5-8: Thinking Critically on the Same page. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

6 Time Zones The Continental U.S. has four time zones. Eastern Standard
Central standard Mountain standard Pacific Standard 2/24/2019 The Seasons

7 Time Zones 2/24/2019 The Seasons

8 Solar Noon: time of day when the sun is highest in the sky.
Time Zones Solar Noon: time of day when the sun is highest in the sky. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

9 International Date Line
The International Date Line line was established in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. As you go from east to west, you gain a day as you cross the line. As you go from west to east, you lose a day as you cross the line. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

10 Daylight Saving Time During the late spring, and early fall, we set our clocks ahead/back to gain or lose an hour. This change in time is called Daylight Saving Time. spring ahead, fall back. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

11 Do This: Complete Checking concepts: 1-5 and Thinking Critically: 6 – 10. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

12 Equinoxes and Solstices
The Vernal (Spring) Equinox (about March 21): When night and day are the same length. The Summer Solstice (about June 21): The location where the Sun is at its highest in the sky. Longest day of the year. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

13 Equinoxes and Solstices
The Autumnal (Fall) Equinox (about September 21): When day and night are the same length. The Winter Solstice (about December 21): The location where the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. Shortest Day of year. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

14 2/24/2019 The Seasons

15 Tropics 2/24/2019 The Seasons

16 Seasons Misconception
Perihelion when earth is at its closest point to the sun. Aphelion when earth is at it farthest point from the sun. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

17 Seasons Misconception
While it is winter in the Northern hemisphere it is summer in the Southern hemisphere. If the seasons were due to our distance from the Sun both hemispheres would have the same seasons at the same time. 2/24/2019 The Seasons

18 Orbit of the Earth 2/24/2019 The Seasons

19 The Length of the Day A day is defined as the time that it takes the Earth to rotate on its axis. Duh! 2/24/2019 The Seasons

20 Length of a Year It takes Earth one year to orbit the Sun That’s days to you. Duh! A sidereal year is the length of time it takes for the Earth to return to the same position 2/24/2019 The Seasons

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