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PROV Cunxin Jia
What’s provenance records?
PROV is a proposed specification to express provenance records. What’s provenance records? Entities and Activities in Producing and Delivering a given object. How to use it? Assess its quality, reliability or trustworthiness. Determine ownership and rights. Reproduce how something was generated.
PROV Family Provenance is information about entities, activities, and people involved in producing a piece of data or thing, which can be used to form assessments about its quality, reliability or trustworthiness.
PROV Family User Developer Advanced PROV-OVERVIEW [Note]
an overview of the PROV family of documents. PROV-PRIMER[Note][User] an introduction to the provenance model. PROV-O[Rec][Developer] a light-weight OWL2 ontology for the provenance model. PROV-XML[Note][Developer] an XML schema for the provenance model.
PROV Family PROV-DM[Rec][Advanced] PROV-N[Rec][Advanced]
defines a conceptual data model for provenance. PROV-N[Rec][Advanced] a human-readable notation for provenance. PROV-CONSTRAINTS[Rec][Advanced] a set constraints that define a notion of valid provenance.
PROV Family PROV-AQ[Note][Developer] PROV-DC[Note][Developer]
how to use Web-based mechanisms to locate and retrieve provenance information. PROV-DC[Note][Developer] a mapping between Dublin Core and PROV. PROV-LINKS[Note][Advanced] a mechanism to link across bundles.
Structure of PROV records
A PROV Sample Entity ex:dataSet1 ex:regionList PROV-O
ex:dataset1 a prov:Entity . ex:regionList a prov:Entity . PROV-N entity(ex:dataSet1) entity(ex:regionList) PROV-XML <prov:entity prov:id="ex:dataSet1"/> <prov:entity prov:id="ex:regionList"/>
A PROV Sample Activity ex:dataSet1 used ex:compose used ex:chart1
wasGeneratedBy ex:composition used ex:chart1 ex:illustrate wasGeneratedBy used ex:regionList
A PROV Sample Agent and Responsibility ex:dataSet1 used ex:chart1
ex:compose wasGeneratedBy ex:composition used ex:illustrate wasGeneratedBy used ex:regionList wasAssociatedWith wasAssociatedWith wasAttributeTo ex:derek actOnBehalfOf ex:chartgen
A PROV Sample Roles prov:hadRole= ex:dataToCompose prov:hadRole=
ex:composedData ex:dataSet1 used ex:compose wasGeneratedBy ex:composition used ex:regionList wasAssociatedWith prov:hadRole= ex:analyst ex:derek prov:hadRole= ex:regionsToAggregateBy
A PROV Sample Derivation and Revision ex:dataSet1 ex:dataSet2
wasRevisionOf ex:dataSet2 wasDerivedFrom ex:chart2
A PROV Sample Plans ex:instructions ex:edith ex:correct ex:dataSet1
hadPlan ex:edith wasAssociatedWith ex:correct used wasGeneratedBy ex:dataSet1 wasRevisionOf ex:dataSet2
A PROV Sample Time prov:startedAtTime= 2012-03-31T09:21:00
prov:endedAtTime= T15:21:00 ex:correct wasDerivedFrom used wasGeneratedBy ex:dataSet1 wasRevisionOf ex:dataSet2 used ex:compile2 wasGeneratedBy ex:chart2 used ex:compile wasGeneratedBy ex:chart1 prov:generatedAtTime= T15:21:00 prov:generatedAtTime= T10:30:00
A PROV Sample Alternate Entities and Specialization ex:article
wasQuotedFrom ex:blogEntry specializationOf specializationOf ex:dataSet1 wasDerivedFrom ex:articleV1 alternateOf ex:articleV2 wasDerivedFrom ex:dataSet2
ex:article ex:blogEntry ex:articleV1 ex:articleV2 ex:instructions
ex:edith ex:correct ex:dataSet2 ex:compile2 ex:chart2 ex:dataSet1 ex:compile ex:compose ex:composition ex:illustrate ex:chart1 ex:regionList ex:derek ex:chartgen
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