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Terms for Drama English I.

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1 Terms for Drama English I

2 act subdivision of a play Example: Act I Act II Act III Act IV Act V

3 scene further subdivision of an act (acts are made up of scenes)
Example: scene i, scene ii, scene iii, scene iv Act I, scene i Act I, scene ii

4 dialogue conversation between characters in a play

5 comedy a play that ends happily

6 tragedy a play that ends unhappily

7 protagonist the hero or leading character with whom the audience sympathizes

8 antagonist the character who opposes or competes with the protagonist

9 theme important central idea or message about life presented through the play The message = Theme

10 plot the chain of events that make up the play

11 soliloquy a character’s speech, alone on stage, that expresses his or her thoughts and feelings to the audience (SOLO – ALONE …thinking aloud)

12 monologue a long speech given by ONE character in a play, story or poem (directed to other characters)

13 aside a remark made by one character to another, or to the audience; unheard by other characters

14 dramatic foil a character whose personality traits contrast with and highlight those of another character in a play (opposite characters in a scene/play together)

15 dramatic irony a contradiction between what a character thinks or says and what the audience knows to be true.

16 character flaw a character’s personality trait that contributes to his or her downfall (weakness)

17 blank verse poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter
(one stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable)

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