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Generational Learning Styles

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1 Generational Learning Styles
PMMI Recertification Webinar Generational Learning Styles How They Can Affect Your Training Nancy Cobb, Partners in Possibilities

2 Recertification Requirements
Every Year Attend a webinar and complete the assignment Have an end-user fill out a customer feedback form and send it to PMMI Every 2 years An $80 recertification fee

3 Assignment At the end of the webinar your assignment will be described and it will also be sent to you via your address. Please try to complete the assignment within two weeks. Send your assignment to: Nancy Cobb or (fax) 2/24/2019

4 Overview Explain their Learning Styles
Describe Different Generational Traits Explain their Learning Styles Discuss ways you can adapt your training to meet their needs

5 Polling Question Let’s see who we have in the session today? 2/24/2019
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6 What a Difference a Generation Makes!

7 4 Basic Generations Boomers – 47 – 65 Gen “X” – 31 – 46
Traditionalist – 66+ Boomers – 47 – 65 Gen “X” – 31 – 46 Gen “Y” – 19 – 30 2/24/2019

8 Traditionalist (66+) Loyal to company Conservative Traditional
Consistent Respects authority Conform rather than question Logical Long term

9 Traditionalist Learning Style
Don’t rush things Traditional settings Don’t be too casual Logical, consistent Straightforward Lecture Materials in summary format and larger type Don’t assume computer skills Anchor content to “try & true”

10 Baby Boomers (47-65 yrs.) Live to work – workaholic Pay their “dues”
Want $, title, recognition, status Competitive Want promotions – will put in “the time” to get them Team orientated

11 Boomers Learning Style
Interactive, team activities Personal stories Non-authoritarian Open discussion Skill practice Internet Materials that are easy to scan

12 Gen X’ers (31-46 yrs.) Skeptical – distrust others values
Work for self NOT company Reluctance to commit Self-reliant - Prefer to work on their own Want flexibility Need lots of feedback Want learning, educational opportunities Want quick advancement, multi-tasking Work to live – work/life balance

13 Gen X Learning Style Self-directed Freedom, options
Get right into material Do things at their own pace Back off and let them learn on their own Trainers need to EARN respect Use “technology” – DVDs, Internet, Texting etc. Games, role play Fun activities where they learn by doing Graphics on materials

14 What do Gen Y’s Want? (19-30 yrs)

15 Gen Y (Millennials) Individualistic yet group orientated
Short attention span - Multitask Technology centered Expect diversity Like “causes” – good community citizen, optimistic Confident Sense of entitlement

16 Gen Y – Learning Style Teamwork Technology Structure, supervision
Mentoring Interactive Readers Tie learning to $ Differing viewpoints Reference materials Art & music, technology

17 Fact: Always connected!
A recent study of the Gen Y’s said they are the first generation to be “always connected” treating phones and similar services almost like body parts.

18 Longevity Changes The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that the median length of time workers in their early 20’s stay on one job is 1.1 years!

19 So what can you do….. To successfully train different generations?

20 Acknowledge the Culture you are in

21 What’s your APROACH? Are you trying to teach Hi-tech in a Low-tech Culture? Observe their culture BEFORE you start to train!

22 So many generations…so little time…
“We rarely see a group that is all the same generation” 2/24/2019

23 Needs Assessment is KEY
Find out typical experience & seniority Find out skill level Observe their technology Listen to their needs 2/24/2019

24 Blended Learning Using “blended learning” is KEY to training a group with or without many different generations. 2/24/2019

25 Talk Less…………. DO MORE 2/24/2019

26 Polling – Which group is hardest or easiest to train?
2/24/2019 Free PowerPoint Template from

27 The “unnamed generation…..
So what’s next?

28 Assignment: 1 - Identify your generation.
2 - Describe how you learn best. 3a - You have a group of trainees – most are “Gen X” but there are some “Boomers” too. What are some effective ways to train this diverse group of trainees? OR (do 3a or 3b) 3b. Describe any experiences (successes or failures) you have had in plants and how you may have adapted to different generational learning styles. Complete #1, 2 and 3a or 3b 2/24/2019

29 Send your assignment to:
Nancy Cobb Partners in Possibilities, Inc. Try to complete it within the next two weeks

30 Questions???

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