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John Chin-Hao Chen RIKEN Brookhaven Research Center

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1 John Chin-Hao Chen RIKEN Brookhaven Research Center
vn in PHENIX John Chin-Hao Chen RIKEN Brookhaven Research Center INT Ridge Workshop 2012/05/08 John C.-H. Chen

2 vn: particle anisotropy
The colliding area is “almond” like shape due to overlap of two colliding nuclei. The particle angular distribution: dN/d(f-y) =N0(S(1+2vncosn(f-y))) v2 = elliptic flow John C.-H. Chen

3 Many information coming from flow
Equation of State (EOS) shear viscosity (η), specific viscosity (η/s) of sQGP and their temperature dependence Key to understand the QGP! John C.-H. Chen

4 Fluctuation matters Nucleon distribution is not smooth, or initial state fluctuation -> finite vodd Azimuthal symmetry of the colliding area no longer available vodd is possible We can “measure” the fluctuations directly John C.-H. Chen

5 v3, reason for ridge and shoulder?
Ridge sits at Df ~ 0, shoulder sits at Df~2p/3, 4p/3 A 3-peak structure! v3 (Fourier Coefficient of the cos3Df term) gives a natural 3-peak structure Is v3 the explanation? John C.-H. Chen

6 How do we measure vn? Reaction plane method
Use forward detector to determine the n-th reaction plane, Yn dN/df  1+S2vncos n(f-Yn) vn = <cos n(f-Yn)> Two particle correlation method central-central or central-forward correlation dNpair/dDf  1+S(2vnAvnBcosnDf) John C.-H. Chen

7 John C.-H. Chen

8 Reaction plane method vn {Yn} = <cos(n(f-Fnave))> / Res(Yn)
Fnave is the average of the raw reaction plane between north and south sub-events Res(Yn) is the reaction plane resolution John C.-H. Chen

9 Correlation factor Res(Yn), Resolution of reaction plane measures cosine of dispersion of Y estimator (F) from truth Res(Y2) = <cos(2(Y2(N/S) – YRP))> = sqrt(<cos2(Y2N – Y2S)>) Key Quantity: cosine of dispersion (Raw vn of YA wrt YB) <cos j (YmN – YnS)> John C.-H. Chen

10 Reaction plane correlation (i)
A: RXN North [ ] B: BBC South [ ] C: MPC North [ ] D: MPC South [ ] PRL (2011) <cos j (FmA – FnB)> N-th reaction plane (Fn) correlates across large rapidity (|hA-hB|~5, |hC-hD|~7) N = 1 (F1) has negative correlation due to conservation of momentum John C.-H. Chen

11 Reaction plane correlation (II)
A: RXN North [ ] B: BBC South [ ] C: MPC North [ ] D: MPC South [ ] PRL (2011) F2 correlates with F1 F2 correlates with F4 F2 does not correlate with F3 F1 correlates negatively with F3, some intrinsic v3 not coming from fluctuation? John C.-H. Chen

12 vn(Yn) vs pT All vn increases with pT
PRL (2011) All vn increases with pT v3 is independent from centrality John C.-H. Chen

13 Characterize the initial state anisotropy
Glauber initial state condition use en to measure the initial state anisotropy John C.-H. Chen

14 vn vs en vn follows the trend of en
Initial state anisotropy translate to final state momentum anisotropy John C.-H. Chen

15 v3(2p) vs v3(Y3) v3 measured by two particle correlation method (0.3<|Dh|<0.7) is consistent with, but slightly higher than the reaction plane method Contributions from non-flow (jet contribution) in this Dh range John C.-H. Chen

16 vn vs theory All theory predicts v2 well
v3 adds in additional discrimination power Data favors Glauber + h/s = 1/4p PRL (2011) John C.-H. Chen

17 Jet shape with higher vn modulated background subtraction
200GeV Au+Au 0-20%, inc. g-had. When v3 modulation is included, the double peak structure in away-side disappears. John C.-H. Chen

18 v2 of Identified particles
v2 of identified particles are measured (v2/nq) are the same for all particles Flow exists at partonic level John C.-H. Chen

19 High pT PID v2 new detector TOFw and Aerogel enhance PID capability
arxiv: new detector TOFw and Aerogel enhance PID capability Dedicated reaction plane detector Extend to high pT John C.-H. Chen

20 NQS breaks? NQS holds at 0-20%
arxiv: NQS holds at 0-20% Obviously breaks at 20-60% at KET/nq > 1.0 GeV John C.-H. Chen

21 KET/nq scaling vs centrality
With finer centrality bins, the centrality dependence is clear KET/nq scaling works at 0-10% It starts breaking at 10-20% at KET/nq~ 1.0 GeV Arxiv: John C.-H. Chen

22 PID v3 @ 200 GeV Au+Au Mass ordering at low pT
Baryon/meson splitting at intermediate pT John C.-H. Chen

23 NQS of PID v3 Similar (v3/nq) scaling exists in v3
v3 also shown in partonic level John C.-H. Chen

24 QCD phase transition QGP is created at RHIC at 200 GeV
RHIC is flexible in beam energy Down to 7.7 GeV Can we find the critical point? Any significant feature? John C.-H. Chen

25 vn{yn} at 39 GeV Inclusive charged hadrons
Significant values of v3 and v4 Trend similar to vn at 200 GeV John C.-H. Chen

26 Beam energy dependence of vn
Various beam energy: 39, 62, 200 GeV No significant beam energy dependence Hydro dynamical behavior down to 39 GeV John C.-H. Chen

27 PID v2 @ 62.4 and 39 GeV NQS scaling still works at 39 GeV!
John C.-H. Chen 27

28 v2 measurement in broad energy range
At 7.7 GeV, the v2 value is significantly lower than 200 GeV A possible transition between 7.7 and 39 GeV? John C.-H. Chen

29 Saturation function of vn
Not only v2 is saturated, but also the v3 and v4, starting from 39 GeV John C.-H. Chen

30 summary vn has been measured systematically in PHENIX
vn is independent from beam energy between 39 GeV to 200 GeV KET/nq scaling work on PID v2 from GeV But the KET/nq scaling breaks at large KET/nq in mid-central collisions John C.-H. Chen

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