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EU-SILC: The reference for income distribution Boyan GENEV

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Presentation on theme: "EU-SILC: The reference for income distribution Boyan GENEV"— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-SILC: The reference for income distribution Boyan GENEV

2 AGENDA Scope of the SILC Instrument
Main statistical concepts a. Definition of income b. Income distribution c. Poverty rate

3 1. Scope of the SILC Instrument - OVERVIEW
EU reference source for comparative statistics on income distribution and social inclusion at the European level Annual data: income data referring to the year prior to the interview Information on both households and individuals (micro level) Income and tax Material deprivation Housing conditions Employment, Childcare Health, Education

4 2a. Main statistical concepts – DEFINITION OF INCOME (1)
Gross personal income + Gross household income = Total gross household income - Taxes Net disposable household income

5 2a. Main statistical concepts – DEFINITION OF INCOME (2)
Gross personal income: Income from work : Employed + Self employed Social benefits, including Pensions Gross household income: Income from rental of a property or land; Social benefits: - family/children-related allowances; - housing allowances; - social exclusion not elsewhere classified

6 2a. Main statistical concepts – DEFINITION OF INCOME (3)
Living standards – affected by income, size and composition of the households Equivalisation of household income Needs for money depending on the HH size Modified OECD equivalence scale used in SILC All persons of a household 'receive' the same amount! Example: 2 adults household, income €/year => after equivalisation both receive €/year => comparable with one person with €/year

7 2b. Main statistical concepts – INCOME DISTRIBUTION (1)
Distribution of equivalised income in CZ,2011

8 2b. Main statistical concepts – INCOME DISTRIBUTION (2)

9 2b. Main statistical concepts – INCOME DISTRIBUTION (3)
Distribution of Income in BG and CZ by deciles (ilc_di01) (cut-off points in Euro, 2011)

10 2b. Main statistical concepts – INCOME DISTRIBUTION (4)
Median equivalised income CZ, (ilc_di03)

11 2b. Main statistical concepts – INCOME DISTRIBUTION (5)
Median equivalised income by household type, 2011 (ilc_di04)

12 2b. Main statistical concepts – INCOME DISTRIBUTION (6)

13 2c. Main statistical concepts – POVERTY RATE
At-risk-of poverty rate – INDICATORS VALUES

14 Thank you for your attention

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