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What is syntax?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is syntax?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is syntax?

2 Syntax is the way words and clauses are arranged to form sentences
Syntax is the way words and clauses are arranged to form sentences. That arrangement contributes to and enhances meaning and effect.

3 Or more simply: It’s how authors put words and phrases together
Or more simply: It’s how authors put words and phrases together. Syntax helps authors effectively make their points.

4 One thing Syntax does is control pacing
One thing Syntax does is control pacing. But how does an author do that with words and sentences?

5 In order to quicken the pace, the author will use shorter, simpler sentences. In order to slow down the pace, the author will use longer, more complex and convoluted sentences.

6 When analyzing syntax, consider such questions as:
Are the sentences simple and direct, or complex and convoluted? Does the author use repetition or parallel structure for emphasis? (Note: Always say what is emphasized and why.) Are there rhetorical questions in the passage?

7 Arrangement of Ideas – Are ideas set out in a special way for a purpose or effect?
Loose sentence: The main point is at the beginning ex. We reached Los Angeles that morning after a turbulent flight and some exciting experiences. Periodic sentence: The main point is at the end (near the period). ex. That morning, after a turbulent flight and some exciting experiences, we reached Los Angeles.

8 Parallel structure: Grammatical or structural similarity between sentences or parts of a sentence. It involves an arrangement of words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs so that elements of equal importance are equally developed and similarly phrased. Wrong: In the winter, I like skiing and to skate. Right: In the winter, I like skiing and skating. Right: In the winter, I like to ski and to skate.

9 Sentence Classifications: Consider the following four basic types in examining sentence structures
Declarative: Makes a statement ex. The king is sick. Imperative: Gives a command ex. Bow to the king. Interrogative: Asks a question ex. What’s the matter with the king? Exclamatory: Makes an exclamation ex. The king is dead!

10 Four Basic Structures Simple sentence: One independent clause*
ex. The singer bowed to her adoring audience. Compound sentence: Two or more independent clauses (joined by a comma with a coordinating conjunction—and, but, for, or, nor, yet, so—or a semicolon) ex. The singer bowed gratefully to the audience, but she sang no encores. ex. The singer bowed gratefully to the audience; however, she sang no encores. *An independent clause has a subject and a verb, and can stand alone because it has a complete thought

11 Complex sentence: One independent clause and one or more dependent (subordinate) clauses.*
ex. Although the singer bowed gratefully to the audience, she sang no encores. Compound-complex sentence: Two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent (subordinate) clause. ex. The singer bowed gratefully while the audience applauded, but she sang no encores. * A dependent (subordinate) clause has a subject and a verb; however, it cannot stand alone because it does not have a complete thought.

12 Always look for the anomalies – that is, the things that are different from regular writing.

13 Authors do these things on purpose
Authors do these things on purpose. Do not assume sentences are composed without the rules of syntax in mind.

14 So let’s look at a paragraph by Nancy Mairs-----

15 I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me
I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me. I choose from among several possibilities, the most common of which are “handicapped” and “disabled.” I made the choice a number of years ago, without thinking, unaware of my motives for doing so. Even now, I’m not sure what those motives are, but I recognize that they are complex and not entirely flattering. People – crippled or not – wince at the word “cripple,” as they do not at “handicapped” or disabled.” Perhaps I want them to wince. I want them to see me as a tough customer, one to whom the fates/gods/viruses have not been kind, but who can face the brutal truth of her existence squarely. As a cripple, I swagger.

16 What’s the first unusual thing that you notice
What’s the first unusual thing that you notice? The sentence: I am a cripple.

17 Why does the author use this short sentence in the first position
Why does the author use this short sentence in the first position? To draw attention to the politically incorrect word “cripple.” And why use that diction choice? To shock, and to show that even though people don’t call her this to her face, the word is always present.

18 So what do you notice next? What else is different?

19 I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me
I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me. I choose from among several possibilities, the most common of which are “handicapped” and “disabled.” I made the choice a number of years ago, without thinking, unaware of my motives for doing so. Even now, I’m not sure what those motives are, but I recognize that they are complex and not entirely flattering. People – crippled or not – wince at the word “cripple,” as they do not at “handicapped” or disabled.” Perhaps I want them to wince. I want them to see me as a tough customer, one to whom the fates/gods/viruses have not been kind, but who can face the brutal truth of her existence squarely. As a cripple, I swagger.

20 So what do you notice next? What else is different?

21 I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me
I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me. I choose from among several possibilities, the most common of which are “handicapped” and “disabled.” I made the choice a number of years ago, without thinking, unaware of my motives for doing so. Even now, I’m not sure what those motives are, but I recognize that they are complex and not entirely flattering. People – crippled or not – wince at the word “cripple,” as they do not at “handicapped” or disabled.” Perhaps I want them to wince. I want them to see me as a tough customer, one to whom the fates/gods/viruses have not been kind, but who can face the brutal truth of her existence squarely. As a cripple, I swagger.

22 Repetition – harsh word – wince Why
Repetition – harsh word – wince Why? Perhaps to show you that you aren’t the only one who is uncomfortable by someone who is crippled. She is still a person – look past the condition to the person.

23 So what do you notice next? What else is different?

24 I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me
I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me. I choose from among several possibilities, the most common of which are “handicapped” and “disabled.” I made the choice a number of years ago, without thinking, unaware of my motives for doing so. Even now, I’m not sure what those motives are, but I recognize that they are complex and not entirely flattering. People – crippled or not – wince at the word “cripple,” as they do not at “handicapped” or disabled.” Perhaps I want them to wince. I want them to see me as a tough customer, one to whom the fates/gods/viruses have not been kind, but who can face the brutal truth of her existence squarely. As a cripple, I swagger.

25 Position: fates/gods/viruses Note the use of slashes (/) to juxtapose and jam these words right up next to each other. The slashes allow the words to have equal emphasis while “hitting you all at once.”

26 So what do you notice next? What else is different?

27 I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me
I am a cripple. I choose this word to name me. I choose from among several possibilities, the most common of which are “handicapped” and “disabled.” I made the choice a number of years ago, without thinking, unaware of my motives for doing so. Even now, I’m not sure what those motives are, but I recognize that they are complex and not entirely flattering. People – crippled or not – wince at the word “cripple,” as they do not at “handicapped” or disabled.” Perhaps I want them to wince. I want them to see me as a tough customer, one to whom the fates/gods/viruses have not been kind, but who can face the brutal truth of her existence squarely. As a cripple, I swagger.

28 What did the author do here?
Position – Last sentence gets more attention Use of short declarative sentence adds power. Repetition – “cripple” Also notice the diction choice of “swagger”

29 Syntax often goes unnoticed by the reader, but contributes strongly to the readers impression of the topic presented.

30 Your AP test …will very likely ask you about syntax!!

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