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Topic 10: Waves Our subtopic: Music and tubes!

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1 Topic 10: Waves Our subtopic: Music and tubes!
Hon Day 4 of Q4 Topic 10: Waves Our subtopic: Music and tubes!

2 First HW: Last of Cycle Questions? HW Quiz HW Turn in

3 Lets start A group of swimmers are resting on a raft in the ocean. They estimate that between a crest of a wave and a trough is 3 horizontal meters. They count 14 full waves passing by every 20 seconds. How fast are the waves moving? Draw this…

4 Remind me of Harmonics…

5 What harmonic? If the string is 50 cm, how would I get the wavelength? If it took .5 seconds to make a single wave, what is the frequency?

6 Try the following questions



9 Tacoma Bridge… Watch, learn the reasons…

10 So you try to explain… How can a sound wave break glass?

11 Predict from these two tubes

12 Musical Notes

13 Closed tube

14 So for example: Which of these produces the highest pitched note?

15 I try… . A 20.0-cm long pipe is covered at one end in order to create a closed-end air column. A vibrating tuning fork is held near its open end, forcing the air to vibrate in its first harmonic. The wavelength of the standing wave pattern is ____.

16 You try . A 20.0-cm long pipe is open at both ends column. A vibrating tuning fork is held near its open end, forcing the air to vibrate in its first harmonic. The wavelength of the standing wave pattern is ____.

17 Demo: Water and tuning fork
Goal: To find at what length it RESONATES. 1. Predict: How will the resonating affect what you hear?

18 2. What can you determine about the tube? What scenario is it?
3. What can you predict about the harmonic we can make/want?

19 2. What can you determine about the tube? What scenario is it?
3. What can you predict about the harmonic we can make/want? 4. Lets take some data…

20 Length of Air Column (m) Calculated Velocity (m/s)
Frequency (Hz) Length of Air Column (m) λ - Calculated Wavelength (m) Calculated Velocity (m/s)

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