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Behaviours journey to date…

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2 Behaviours journey to date…
March Exec gathering discussion: What high level leadership behaviours will we link to our strategic intent? Reflection on our own behaviours as leaders SCARF triggers; choice point What do we need to do more of/less of? The results of this reflection subsequently captured in 6 behaviours linked to strategic intent People Values and Culture Committee (PVCC) deliberations: how to socialise this intent throughout the organisation?

3 6 strategic intent behaviours mapped to our 4 values
Healing: We will be accountable for our actions We will not look to shift blame Hospitality: We will be present, attentive and listen to each other

4 Stewardship: We will recognise the achievements of others (stewardship of gifts and talents) Respect: We will actively involve others in decision-making We will be transparent

5 How do we socialise these behavioural intents?
PVCC recommendations: Emphasis on the role of leadership Outline a campaign of concrete, visible practices. Measure/evaluate impact in 6 months via a pulse survey with our people.

6 Thesis: “If our people are experiencing a palpable difference in the behavioural style of their leaders we can invite them with greater credibility to join us on a journey of behavioural change.”

7 “Your actions speak so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying!”


9 The model is the message


11 What influences leadership styles/choices?
Behavioural (personality) preferences. Choices around ‘anthropological hot buttons’: status, certainty, autonomy, relationships, fairness (strongly influenced by personal values) what the next tier of leadership models. what the next tier of leadership prioritises in terms of the allocation of time and resources. what the next tier of leadership measures, rewards, promotes and ignores.

12 “Slip, Slop, Slap” The most successful health campaign in Australia’s history exhorted people to three simple, memorable actions. It resulted in profound behavioural change across all generations, which has been sustained through history.

13 What are the three core leadership behaviours we are going to shift in the next 12 months?
Locally Collectively (across the whole Calvary group)

14 Table activity Note the strategic intent behaviours mapped to our four values (table handout) Name the practical behaviours that you have witnessed in other leaders (within/beyond Calvary) that have clearly demonstrated these values to you. What behaviours will we choose to prioritise over the next 6 months to demonstrate these key intents most powerfully to our staff? (What would we expect our staff to notice if we commit to these practical behaviours? What will we invite them to evaluate via a pulse survey?)

15 Resources Values/behaviours handouts
6 x A5 cards on each table to capture 6 practical actions 6 behavioural intents (mapped under the relevant value) displayed as bold headings around the room. Bluetac for posting A5 cards under the appropriate headings Gold stars for voting on the three collective actions we wish to pursue as a whole organisation.

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