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Connecting Point 3223 N Oliver Avenue Wichita, KS 67202

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Point 3223 N Oliver Avenue Wichita, KS 67202"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Point 3223 N Oliver Avenue Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: Fax:

2 Connecting Point An Information Center for families with young children pre-birth through age 8 Focus on developmental, physical, or emotional concerns or diagnoses Prematurity Speech delays Early childhood mental health Chromosomal/genetic disorders Physical disabilities Developmental concerns

3 Whom do we serve? Families with children ages pre-birth through age 8
Pregnant women Sedgwick County residents All income levels Regardless of whether family has health care coverage

4 What do we do? Information and Referral Screen for Success
Resource Library Parenting Education All services are FREE

5 Information and Referral
Clearinghouse of information on a wide range of topics Referrals Home visitation programs Evaluations and therapies Support groups Equipment needs Financial resources Parent and child advocacy programs Variety of other services based on family needs

6 Screen for Success Partnership with Rainbows United,USD 259, Connecting Point and other community agencies Developmental screenings for children ages 0-5 Vision Hearing Developmental skills Speech/Language Health/Nutrition Behavioral health

7 Screen for Success (cont.)
Provide follow-up services to families whose children do not pass the initial screening Follow the family through the process of being linked to Early Intervention Services Children 0-3 referred to Rainbows United as the lead agency to provide further evaluation and therapeutic services in Sedgwick County Children 3-5 referred to their local school district for further determination of eligibility for early childhood special education services.

8 Resource Library Kid-Talk Books, videos, and audiotapes
Wide variety of topics Fact sheets/One page resources Community resource information Agency Brochures Newsletters Children’s books Parents and professionals

9 Parenting Education “The Incredible Years” Baby’s First Year Calendar
Parenting Resource Guide

10 Where do our families come from?
Physicians Community Agencies Educational Social Services Faith based Health Self-referrals

11 When should you refer? As soon as possible!
If a child has a diagnosis at birth or is born prematurely Hospital to Home Transition services If a child is diagnosed with an illness or suffers significant trauma in early childhood If a parent expresses concern about their child’s developmental progress If a child is displaying difficult behaviors at home or in their child care setting Call Connecting Point at

12 Project of the SCECCC Sedgwick County Early Childhood Coordinating Council Vision: To coordinate services and promote support for families with children pre-birth through age 8 in Sedgwick County. Established in 1985 in conjunction with the passage of Part H (now Part C) of Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) Collaboration of over 60 parents, providers and other community members

13 Connecting Point Funding Sources
Kansas Children’s Cabinet & Trust Fund Smart Start Kansas Kansas Dept. of Health & Environment (KDHE), Part C Sedgwick County mill levy for MR/DD Rainbows United, Inc (Fiscal Agent)

14 Connecting Point 3233 N Oliver Avenue Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: Fax:

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