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Lantern Fish By: Tahj.

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1 Lantern Fish By: Tahj

2 Lanternfish are small mesopelagic fish of the large family Myctophidae.
They are found in oceans worldwide. They are the most populous fish species in the open ocean.

3 Characteristics A slender body covered in small silvery scales
A large rounded head Large eyes on the side Large mouth with rows of small teeth Ranging from 0.79 to in length

4 Meal The primary food source is plankton.

5 Unusual Facts Known as Symbolophorus barnardi
Gets its name from its ability to produce light It is covered with light-producing photophores Over 200 different species of lantern fish They live in large schools near the continental slope

6 During daylight hours lantern fish remain in the bathypelagic zone.
During sundown lantern fish rise into the epipelagic zone.

7 References

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