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Article of the Week - PAP

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1 Article of the Week - PAP
What is the purpose of Article of the Week? Each week you will be assigned a non-fiction article to read, annotate, and complete a written reflection about. The purpose of Article of the Week is to expose you to non-fiction writing and use annotation as a strategy for better understanding of challenging texts. Furthermore, you will be asked to reflect on the material that you have read. You won’t be writing a summary; instead, you will be writing a one- page reflection that shows that you have used critical thinking and reading skills to engage in a text. The response to the article will be due on Thursday; the start of class on Thursday will be used to discuss the article. Students who are absent on a Monday must be sure to pick up the article as soon as they get back, or they can the instructor for a copy.

2 What is a reflection? Reflection involves careful consideration of an idea or topic. Reflections are not summaries! To successfully complete a reflection, consider one (or more) the following questions: Do you agree with the point the article’s writer is trying to make? Why or why not? Have you ever personally been affected by the topic of the article? Tell your story. Do you have a personal connection to the topic mentioned? Does this article discuss or mention something that is of great importance to our society, community, or population? What makes the issue so important?

3 Article of the Week Response Requirements
words minimum (just less than one page typed in 12-point font, Times New Roman, double spaced). No more than two pages maximum. 2. Include a summary/description paragraph that includes the Title, Author, and Genre (TAG), a short summary/description of the article, and the author’s purpose in writing the article. This paragraph should be about 50 words. 3. A personal response to the article and the issues raised by the article should be in the following paragraph(s). -Responses should show evidence of reading comprehension. This can be done by using quotes and/or examples in the article, or referring back to specific aspects of the article in your writing. 4. Proper MLA citation is mandatory, i.e.: Jones makes the claim that “students can be exceptionally adept at avoiding work” (12). If not using a quote, students should still refer to paragraph/page number. *As always, PEN ONLY and grammar/punctuation matter.

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