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96 6 Scale factor used is 16 Tree’s shadow is 144 ft.

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1 96 6 Scale factor used is 16 Tree’s shadow is 144 ft.
Do Now Tuesday, October 24, 2017  Write on Lined Page Between S.61-S.62 Given: Triangle EOS is similar to Triangle DOR ES = Height of Tree DR = Height of Person SO = Shadow Length of Tree RO = Shadow Length of Person EO = Rays of the Sun If DR measures 6 feet and ES measures 96 feet, what scale factor is used? If the length of the shadow of the tree and person is 1.5 times longer than they are tall, what is the length of the shadow of the tree? What is the length of the shadow of the person? Scale factor used is 16 96 Tree’s shadow is 144 ft. Person’s shadow is 9 ft. 6

2 Write these in your Engage NY book under your DO NOW.
Square Roots for # 1-25 Write these in your Engage NY book under your DO NOW.

3 Assignment for 10/24/17 Page S.68 # 1a Page S.69 # 3
Problems (Lessons 13 & 14) Page S.68 # 1a Page S.69 # 3 Page S.70 # 1a and 2a Page S.71 # 3a and 4a Page S.72 # 1 Page S.74 # 1

4 Turn to Page S.68 13 C 169 ? =

5 (RQT) (RST) Turn to Page S.69 Draw and label Triangle QRS as two separate triangles R R 17 15 15 25 c b a c Q a T T b S ? ? NOTE: Segment QS is the sum of Segment QT + Segment TS

6 Turn to Page S.70

7 Stay on Page S.70

8 Turn to Page S.71

9 Stay on page S.71

10 Turn to Page S.72

11 Turn to Page S.74

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