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By now you should have read pages

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2 By now you should have read pages 162-165
Remember to pre-read before each lesson. Can you work out what’s coming next? Are you making a note of key points? By now you should have read pages

3 Zimbardo: Stanford Prison Experiment
What do you know about the Prisoners and guards experiment….? Have you watched 5 steps to Tyranny yet?

4 Task You will be given a set of pictures
In your groups I would like you to look at these picture and discuss what you know about the images depicted What does it say about social influence? How does it make you feel?

5 What do these images conjure up?
Who’s involved in the positive ones? Who’s involved in the negative ones? Can a ‘normal’ person be made to do ‘evil’ things? Do they take much convincing?

6 When we think of the atrocities that some people have committed against others – we could ask the question Is this the result of evil people doing evil things? Is this the result of ordinary people doing evil things? Is this the result of normal people doing normal things?

7 Abu Ghraib 2004 Striking similarities between SPE and Abu Ghraib
Guards extended their authority to include horrific acts of abuse and degradation against the Iraqi prisoners

8 Adolf Eichmann Was in charge of implementing the ‘final solution’ (Nazi extermination of the Jews) He was found guilty of crimes against Jews and hanged in 1962 ‘it would have been comforting to believe that Eichmann was a monster… The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are terribly and terrifyingly normal’ Hannah Arendt

9 SO…….Why did he do it? Psychologists look for explanations of human behaviour in all sorts of places. How we think. What we have learnt. Our biological nature. Social psychologists look at the effect other people have on us – social influence


11 Joe Darby – Whistle Blower
stood up against the majority and brought the horrific incidents to an end – also stood up in court against his peers to see them brought to justice. Read the following articles to extend your knowledge

12 Milgram’s Experiment What do you know about the electric shock experiment? Pre-read for next lesson p

13 ‘It would have been comforting to believe that …………
‘It would have been comforting to believe that …………. was a monster… The trouble with …………… was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are terribly and terrifyingly normal’ Arendt, 1965

14 Write Rally Robin In pairs take it in turns to write one thing you have learnt today! 2 minutes

15 Why do we need to study this?
What is it that we gain from knowledge of social influence?

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