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Epidemiology of Acute Pesticide Poisoning in the Philippines

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1 Epidemiology of Acute Pesticide Poisoning in the Philippines
Dr. Lynn R. Panganiban National Poison Control & Information Service U.P. Manila

2 FACTS & FIGURES Important health problem
Incidence is 32% of all poisoning cases 795 registered pesticides (FPA, December 31, 2001) Filipino farmers use ten times more pesticides as required. , the major pesticide companies put on the market 20,100 tonnes of pesticides Sales of pesticides have increased by 70% between 1998 total crop protection market amounted to P 4,794 M (US$ 96 M) FACTS & FIGURES

3 Castaneda, CP; Maramba, NPC.
A Three-Year Retrospective Study of Acute Poisoning due to Anti-cholinesterase Insecticides ( ) Incidence of Insecticide Poisoning According to Specific Anti-Cholinesterase Agent and Their Toxic Rating (n=25)

Incidence rates of pesticide poisoning SOURCE YEAR NUMBER OF PESTICIDE POISONING INCIDENCE RATE (per 100,000) Department of Health (12 regions) 1,704 3.27 NPCIS National Capital Region 221 2.6 Region XI 166 4.08 (6 regions) 333 1.08

5 National Pesticide Safety
Type of pesticide and case fatality rate, , Department of Health National Pesticide Safety Program, 1979 (FPA) aIncludes organophosphate and carbamate, organochlorine and organophosphate, organophosphate and pyrethroid, etc. b Includes potassium nitrate, plant regulator, urea, etc.

6 DEATHS: Monocrotophos 6
Type of pesticide and case fatality rate, , Department of Health TRAINING WORKSHOPS BANNING/RESTRICTIONS ANTIDOTE PROCUREMENT TREATMENT ALGORITHM Endosulfan 33 DDT Unspecified 15 Monocrotophos 14 Piperophos Malathion Bionex Diazinon Chlorpyrifos Ethyl azinphos 1 Methylparathion 1 Unspecified DEATHS: Monocrotophos 6 Methylparathion 1 aIncludes organophosphate,carbamate, and pyrethroid

7 Type of pesticide & case fatality rate,
Department of Health Type Organophosphate 42.0% 64.6% Organochlorine 19.1% 14.7% Pyrethroid 1.2% 8.1% Type CFR Organophosphates 16.2 19.1 Organochlorines 49.4 32.6 Pyrethroids 0.0 3.7

8 To estimate the extent of human pesticide
Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in four regions in the Philippines, Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in four regions in the Philippines General Objective : To estimate the extent of human pesticide exposure and poisoning in selected areas of the Philippines with a view to implement preventive and education strategies to reduce morbidity and mortality from pesticide poisoning

9 Specific Objectives : To prepare and maintain a database on pesticide
poisoning cases with reference to : - type of pesticide - circumstances of poisoning - main population group affected based on data gathered from regional, provincial and district hospitals in selected regions in the Philippines To identify the main products involved in human pesticide exposure in relation to geographical/agricultural characteristics of the area

10 Specific Objectives : To publish and disseminate the results of the studies To set the basis for recommending and planning prevention and education activities in cooperation with other planners To contribute to the regional and global components of the project

11 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines April 1, March 31, 2001 Luzon: Region II, CAR Visayas: Region VI Mindanao: Region XI Pesticide Exposure Record (IPCS) Number of hospitals: Region II: 7 CAR: 9 Region VI: 7 Region XI: 15

12 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Sex and Age Distribution N=327 174 males : 152 females Mean age: years (1 year old - 83 years old) 25.4% in the age group 20.7% in the age group

13 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines N=327

14 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in four regions in the Philippines Circumstances of Exposure

15 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in four regions in the Philippines Location of Exposure

16 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Malathion 22 Chlorpyrifos 14 Diazinon Ethofenprox 3 Methamidophos 2 Oxadiazon 2 Dimethoate 1 Edifenphos 1 Methyl parathion 1 Monocrotophos 1 Triazophos 1 Cypermethrin Deltramethrin Lambdacyalothrin 12 Cyfluthrin Fenvalerate Hexythiazox Endosulfan 8 Aldrin aIncludes organophosphate and carbamate, organochlorine and organophosphate, organophosphate and pyrethroid, etc.

17 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Pesticides Used according to FPA Category Classification

18 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in four regions in the Philippines Actual Use of Pesticides

19 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Severity of Poisoning

20 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in four regions in the Philippines Clinical Manifestations: Vomiting is the most common finding Diarrhea : anticoagulant, zinc phosphide, organochlorine Seizures: organochlorine, aniline Coma: organochlorine, aniline Drowsiness: carbamate, aniline, organophosphate

21 Treatment Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in four regions in the Philippines Treatment

22 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Utilization of Atropine by Chemical Class

23 Duration of Hospital Stay

24 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Outcome of Poisoning

25 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Chlorpyrifos 3 Malathion Methyl parathion 1 94.4% of deaths: severe aIncludes organophosphate and carbamate, organochlorine and organophosphate, organophosphate and pyrethroid, etc. b Includes potassium nitrate, plant regulator, urea, etc.

26 Pesticide poisoning in selected hospitals in
four regions in the Philippines Mortality Rates

27 Observations /Trends :
Pesticides still in the top 10 poisons Incidence rate : 1-5/100,000 population Shift in the type of pesticides Shift from Category I to Category III/IV Type of pesticides vary from region to region

28 Observations /Trends :
Agricultural versus household pesticides Intentional cases versus occupational/accidental Decreased case fatality rates

29 Observations /Trends :
Despite interventions: organochlorines still the #1 cause of mortality availability of banned/restricted pesticides errors in management

30 Thank you and good day.

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