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Science/ Social Studies

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1 Science/ Social Studies
A Peek at This Week in… Fifth Grade September 12, 2016 Reminders Parents,  Please understand that, as stated in Paulding County's attendance policy, all student absences related to family trips/vacations will be considered unexcused. Since students do better academically when they are present for the instruction in class, and since it affects the school's attendance percentage as a whole when students have excessive absences, please try and schedule all vacations during our scheduled breaks. We know that sometimes things happen that are unavoidable; however, your support in this area is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact the counselor (Mrs. Tate) or the front office.  READING Story, Poem, & Drama Structures & Point of View ELA Narrative Writing Math Adding & Subtracting Decimals Science/ Social Studies Civil War Assessments Friday: Reading-Structure of Story, Poem, & Drama Point of View Homework Read 20 minutes every night. Math: Fact Fluency on XTRA math. Front Row Class Codes Nelson: 4wagm7 Thomas: 9egzky Freedman: 4a7dex Study for Reading assessment Upcoming Events September 14: 2 hour early release September 15: 4H September 16: Super Hero Back-to-School Dance 6-8 September 20: Spirit JumpIts 5-8 September 26-30: Fall Break

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