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Reconstruction 1865-1877.

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1 Reconstruction

2 Problems at the End of the War
Physical devastation in the South Refugee crisis in the South Battered Southern economy Bitterness and anger between North and South



5 Goals of Reconstruction:
Bring the South back into the Union Participation in the government Representation in Congress Heal the rift between the North and South Rebuild the South, physically and economically Ensure justice for newly freed African Americans

6 Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan
1/10th of a southern state’s voters swear a loyalty oath to the Union Generous amnesty policy New state constitutions had to ban slavery States had to provide public education to African Americans


8 John Wilkes Booth

9 President Andrew Johnson
Southerner (from Tennessee) Opposed rights for African Americans Preferred to take it easy on the South

10 Johnson’s Plan Amnesty for men who would take an oath of loyalty to the Constitution Restored property (except slaves) to most Southerners Confederate war debts could not be collected States had to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment


12 Black Codes Trying to re-instate slavery
Didn’t allow African Americans to… Serve on juries Vote Carry weapons without a license Hold public office Own land Travel without a permit Be out after curfew Meet without a white person present

13 Black Codes (cont.) Required a former slave to buy a license to work Authorities could arrest and fine unemployed African Americans Allowed an employer to pay the fine of an unemployed person in exchange for the person’s labor

14 Congressional Reconstruction

15 Congressional Reconstruction
Radical Republicans Thaddeus Stevens – leader Promoted radical land reform in the South Promoted rights for African Americans Tried to impeach President Johnson Passed several amendments to the Constitution 13th – Abolished slavery 14th – Guaranteed the rights of citizens to African Americans 15th – Guaranteed African American men the right to vote Banned black codes

16 Congressional Reconstruction
The Freedmen’s Bureau Promoted education for freed African Americans Provided aid for southern refugees of all races Disliked by many Southern leaders (and President Johnson) Military Districts Governed until the transition to new state governments Very irritating to white Southerners

17 White Southern Resistance
Violence against African Americans Ku Klux Klan Many informal vigilante groups Violence against Republicans of both races Scalawags Carpetbaggers “Redeemers” Southern whites who believed they were saving the South

18 Ulysses S. Grant 1869 – became President
Supported military occupation in the South A slap in the face to Southerners

19 “The Political Army of Salvation

20 The Compromise of 1877 Ended Reconstruction
Because of the election of 1876 Samuel Tilden (D) v. Rutherford B. Hayes (R) Compromise: Hayes becomes President Hayes promises to remove all federal soldiers from the South




24 At the End of Reconstruction…
Ex-Confederates were back in control of Southern governments The South’s economy was still primarily based on cotton/agriculture The South’s economy was still very sluggish Black people were consistently denied the rights of citizens

25 Reconstruction was obviously not finished….
…so why did it end??

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