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Statistical Analysis of Microarray Data

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1 Statistical Analysis of Microarray Data
by Hanne Jarmer

2 Induction of adherence by
sub-lethal alcohol concentrations

3 Microarray experiments on:
Induced adherence - Listeria monocytogenes adheres better at sub-lethal alcohol concentrations Microarray experiments on: 1. Wild type +/- alcohol 2. Mutant +/- alcohol 4 biological replicates of each

4 The microarray data (wild type)

5 The microarray data (mutant)

6 Why and what do we test? - We test to extract significant genes
Intensity Density Fold change: > 2 Fold change: ~1

7 The t-test The t statistic is based on the sample mean and variance t

8 The P-value Definition: The possibility of getting the observed difference by coincidence

9 Correction for multiple testing
Each time we test, there is a certain possibility, that the observed difference is in fact a coincidence when H0 is TRUE Unacceptable many false positives

10 Correction for multiple testing
Bonferroni: P ≤ 0.01 N Confidence level of 99% Benjamini-Hochberg: P ≤ i N 0.01 N = number of genes i = number of accepted genes

11 Volcano plot P-value log2 fold change (M)

12 1 The 2 way ANOVA Interaction 2 3 wildtype +alcohol mutant +alcohol

13 What would be significant?
Intensity 1. +/- alcohol wt alcohol both mutant 2. +/- mutation wt alcohol both mutant 3. +/- both wt alcohol both mutant

14 Acknowledgements Anne Lise Gravesen, KVL
Growth experiments Torsten Hain, Institut für Medizinsiche Mikrobiologie Microarray experiments

15 Correction for multiple testing
Bonferroni: P ≤ 0.01 N Confidence level of 99% Benjamini-Hochberg: P ≤ i N 0.01 N = number of genes i = number of accepted genes

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