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Assessing an unresponsive casualty

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing an unresponsive casualty"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing an unresponsive casualty

2 Why would they be unconscious
You can prevent death by putting them in the recovery position Electric shock Overdose Alcohol Heart attack Hit by something Fainting Fall down Temperature fear Hunger Head injury Dehydration Shock Drowning Panic attack Big lose of blood Not enough air Stroke Illness Phobia Breathing in smoke

3 Why do the recovery position
So that people don’t drown on liquid that is around them when they are on the ground

4 Recovery position 1. take casualties left hand and and put under right cheek hand in an upwards waving position 3.take left knee and bring over right knee the casualties should roll over 4.make sure the left knee is at 90 degree angle

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