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Distinguish between codon and anticodon.

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Presentation on theme: "Distinguish between codon and anticodon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distinguish between codon and anticodon.
Warm Up Distinguish between codon and anticodon.

2 What might be some consequences of a mutation.

3 Changes in DNA can lead to the appearance of new traits.

4 Alterations during Replication
What is Replication? causes a difference in the nucleotide chain causes a difference in the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA WHY? cause different amino acids to be brought to the ribosome WHY?

5 Mutations A permanent change that occurs in a cell’s DNA
Types of mutations Point mutation Insertion Deletion

6 Point Mutation Change in just one base pair. original : AUG ACG GAG
mutation: AUG AGG GAG When one base is exchanged for another this is a SUBSTITUTION

7 Substitutions Silent mutations Missensse mutations Nonsense mutation
No change in amino acid Missensse mutations Code for wrong amino acid Nonsense mutation Change codon to a stop codon Cause translation to stop early Lead to proteins that cannot function normally


9 Insertion too many nucleotides in a sequence
nucleotides are incorrectly grouped frameshift mutation occurs incorrect instructions for the assembly of a protein are created


11 Deletions cause too little nucleotides in a sequence
nucleotides are incorrectly grouped frameshift mutation occurs incorrect instructions for the assembly of a protein are created.


13 Causes of Mutations Can occur spontaneously
Chemicals and radiation also can damage DNA. High-energy forms of radiation, such as X rays and gamma rays, are highly mutagenic. Things that cause mutations are caused mutagens

14 Body-cell v. Sex-cell Mutation
Somatic cell mutations are not passed on to the next generation. Mutations that occur in sex cells are passed on to the organism’s offspring and will be present in every cell of the offspring.

15 Quiz Analyze how changes in DNA and potential appearance of new trait.
Describe the following: Alterations during replication. Insertions Deletions Substitutions

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