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House + Senate = Congress. House + Senate = Congress.

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2 House + Senate = Congress

3 What does the Constitution say?

4 “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and the House of Representatives” Vocab word: BICAMERAL – 2 Houses/Congress (House and Senate)

5 What does that mean? Congress is a LAWMAKING body – makes the laws
Review: The executive branch (president) enforces the laws and the Judicial Branch (courts) interprets the laws – make sure you have that correct in your final.

6 Requirements for Representatives:
25 years old 7 years a citizen Resident of the state they are representing Our representative is Erik Paulsen 435 Representatives (number is based on population)

7 Requirements for Senate
30 years old 9 years a citizen A resident of the state for which they represent Our senators are Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken 100 Senators (2 from each state)

8 What are Congress’ Powers? Article I Section 8
Taxes – pay for debt, and to provide for the general welfare Borrow Money Make laws for Naturalization (immigration) To Coin Money To establish standards for weights and measurements To establish post offices

9 Congressional Powers Cont.
Laws for patents and copyrights To declare war (remember – President is commander-in-chief, but Congress gets to declare war) Necessary and Proper Clause – make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying out the duties of Congress

10 Power to Impeach Review – IMPEACHMENT – to formally accuse an official of wrong doing House has the power to impeach (majority vote) Senate has the power to convict (2/3 vote)

11 Vocab Words to Remember:
Constituents: People our elected representatives represent (you and I are the constituents of Erik Paulsen – our U.S. Representative and of Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken – our U.S. Senators

12 Eminent Domain Congress has the power to take private land and use it for public use Example – your house was sitting in the way of the 610 project. They can take your house and make you move. They have to pay you for it, however.

13 Franking Privilege Members of Congress can send their CONSTITUENTS mail for free to keep them updated about what is happening in Congress

14 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
Most powerful person in the House of Representatives

15 How a Bill Becomes a Law

16 Bill A proposed Law – an idea for a law
While in Congress it is a BILL. When/if the President signs it, it becomes a LAW.

17 Who can propose a bill? Congress (has to have an author)
You and I by way of writing to Congress President – has an agenda he wants Congress to follow

18 How does a bill become a law Simple version
HR1 – Health Care Bill Congress decides to hear the bill It gets sent to committee It gets sent to subcommittee – in committee the bill can be revised, kept, or chucked. ***Most bills die in committee If it makes it out of committee, the whole floor votes on it

19 Then it gets sent to Senate
The same procedure happens in the Senate Rules are more lax in the Senate FILIBUSTER – talking a bill to death, a way to prevent a bill from being voted on YouTube - Facts of Congress - Filibuster ***The bill must look EXACTLY the same from House to Senate or it gets sent to CONFERENCE COMMITTEE

20 When the bill makes it through conference committee, it goes back to the House and Senate to be voted on If it passes, then it goes to the President to be signed into law YouTube - Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law




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