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Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Meeting

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1 Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Meeting
NAESB WEQ Update Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Meeting Salt Lake, UT August 26, 2015 Bob Harshbarger Puget Sound Energy



4 This Presentation Covers the last WEQ Executive Committee Meeting in Dallas, TX August 18, 2015

5 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
Request was to develop, modify, or delete business practice standards to support Request R14002 (NERC Project ATC Revisions (MOD A)) NAESB WEQ preserving NERC rejected ATC standards * As of 08/11/2015

6 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
The Business Practice Subcommittee’s recommendation contained two controversial standards, as follows: * As of 08/11/2015

7 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
XXX-1.4 Each Transmission Service Provider shall not grant a request for Firm Transmission Service on an ATC Path that serves as an interface with another BA if the net of the Firm Transmission Service transactions into and out of the Transmission Service Provider’s BA would exceed the sum of the Facility Ratings of Tie Facilities to which Transmission Service Providers mutually agree they have the right to use the Tie Facilities that comprise the ATC Path, between the two BAs. * As of 08/11/2015

8 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
XXX Each Transmission Service Provider shall limit the Interchange Schedule (both Firm and non-Firm) of the reservations on an ATC path into and out of Transmission Service Provider’s BA on an interface with another BA such that the net Interchange Schedule does not exceed the sum of the Facility Ratings of Tie Facilities to which Transmission Service Providers mutually agree they have the right to use the Tie Facilities that comprise the ATC Path, between the two BAs. * As of 08/11/2015

9 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
The Independent Grid Operator (IGO) segment does not like these two standards and tried to get them removed. That attempt failed, so a compromise was crafted. Recommendation finally passed with agreement to form a new EC task force to address more fully these two standards. * As of 08/11/2015

10 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
Approved eliminating the masking of TSRs’ source and sink when requested status reaches a final state (a.k.a. denied, withdrawn refused, displaced, invalid, declined, annulled, retracted, or confirmed). Actually it is any final state including Confirmed * As of 08/11/2015

11 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
Approved a “No Action” recommendation regarding 2005 standard request asking for a standard that would eliminate the disparity of posting “sensitive” information.  CIS and CSS worked on PKI standards have resolved this, thus no actions * As of 08/11/2015

12 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
Develop standards to support the Transmission Provider right to reassess the availability of “conditional firm” - the Transmission Provider may elect to waive or extend the right to perform a Biennial Reassessment. Southern added waiver or extension to perform a Biennial Reassessment by a Transmission Provider * As of 08/11/2015

13 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
To be consistent with ¶51 of FERC Order No. 890-A, added TFC, FAFC, and NFAFC values to the “System_Attribute” data element of the NAESB Standard WEQ-003: OASIS S&CP Data Dictionaries TFC and FAFC and NFAFC added to system atributes * As of 08/11/2015

14 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
Corrected WEQ for Resale off OASIS by eliminating the “no later than 24 hours prior” to confirming requirement. The Assignee must execute a service agreement with the Transmission Provider that will govern the provision of reassigned service no later than twenty-four hours prior to the Assignee confirming the Resale on OASIS. the scheduling deadline applicable for the commencement of the reassigned service. The Transmission Provider may establish a blanket service agreement to include Resale transactions. * As of 08/11/2015

15 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
Approved modifications to WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standards to require the tagging of Intra-Balancing Authority transactions. This was NERC INT – LSE issue BPA supported recommendation; Independent Grid Operators/Planners (IGO) * As of 08/11/2015

16 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
Approved “no action” recommendation regarding the modification of WEQ standards to address XML vulnerability exploits. CISS and CSS - no known vulnerabilities to fix * As of 08/11/2015

17 At the August 18 2015 WEQ EC Meeting
Approved Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards Version 003.1, WEQ-001, WEQ-002, and WEQ-013 OASIS, Version To change the wording of the phrases: “shall have the right to”, “shall be allowed to”, “shall be permitted, but is not required, to”, “shall be permitted to”, and “shall have the ability to” to “may”, along with other consistency changes.

18 NAESB WEQ Firm Redirects from Conditional Parents Task Force Update
One conference call Evident that non-consensus still exists Waiting for FERC staff guidance Some wondering value of task force

19 NAESB OASIS Subcommittee Update
Continued work on Competition and Preemption (split into LTerm & STerm) Some rework expected once FERC accepts the Entergy/Dynergy modification in the 3.1 publication Working on standards to support a “merger” or “consolidation” function for firm TSRs

20 Market Operator as an unique Code-Roll Will require changes to:
NAESB Ciss Update Market Operator as an unique Code-Roll Will require changes to: EIR WEQ-004 e-Tag Collecting next round of e-Tag changes

21 NAESB Standards Membership
Western Interconnection needs representation at NAESB NAESB standards find their way into your tariffs



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