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Section 5 Multiple Regression.

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1 Section 5 Multiple Regression

2 Example A researcher wants to determine how employee salaries at a certain company are determined. Dependent or response variable y = salary Independent or explanatory variables x1 = years of employment x2 = years of experience x3 = years of education

3 Example Continued Regression equation
y = 29, x x x3 Use the regression equation to predict an employee’s salary given the following conditions: 12 years of current employment, 5 years of experience, and 16 years of education.

4 Confidence Interval for Coefficients
= number of coefficient = coefficient = standard error corresponding to coefficient df = n – k – 1 n = number of data values k = number of independent/explanatory variables

5 Example Compute a 90% confidence interval for if n = 8 and S2 = for the equation x1 = x x x4

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