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2 NOUNS in -US

3 SINGULAR Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative us subject
um object Genitive ūs of _____ Dative u ī to/for ______ Ablative ū by/with/from _________

4 PLURAL Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative ūs subject
ūs object Genitive uum of _____ Dative ibus to/for ______ Ablative ibus by/with/from _________


6 SINGULAR Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative ū subject
ū object Genitive ūs of _____ Dative [ū] to/for ______ Ablative ū by/with/from _________

7 PLURAL Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative ua subject
ua object Genitive uum of _____ Dative ibus to/for ______ Ablative ibus by/with/from _________

8 VOCABULARY adventus, -ūs m. arrival
cāsus, -ūs m. event, accident, case (grammatical) exercitus, -ūs m. army gradus, -ūs m step impetus, -ūs m. attack manus, -ūs f. hand, band (of men) metus, -ūs m. fear portus, -ūs m. port, harbour senātus, -ūs m. senate domus, -ūs f. home [also takes 2nd. declension endings] cornu, -ūs n. horn (of an animal) genu, -ūs n knee

9 portūs

10 of harbour harbours (subj) harbours (obj)

11 senātū

12 by/with/from senate

13 exercituum

14 of armies

15 genibus

16 to/for knees by/with/from knees

17 metus

18 fear (subj)

19 adventibus

20 to/for arrivals by/with/from arrivals

21 manūs

22 hands (subj) hands (obj) of hand

23 cornū

24 horn (subj) horn (obj) by/with/from horn [to/for horn]

25 domus

26 home (subj)

27 manuum

28 of hands

29 cāsūs

30 cases (subj) cases (obj) of case

31 senātum

32 senate (obj)

33 exercitūs

34 armies (subj) armies (obj) of army

35 portum

36 harbour (obj)

37 domūs

38 homes (subj) homes (obj) of home

39 metibus

40 to/for fears by/with/from fears

41 adventus

42 arrival (subj)

43 manū

44 by/with/from hand

45 cornua

46 horns (subj) horns (obj)

47 impetūs

48 attacks (subj) attacks (obj) of attack

49 domum

50 home (obj)

51 senātuum

52 of senates

53 manibus

54 to/for hands by/with/from hands

55 metū

56 by/with/from fear

57 genua

58 knees (subj) knees (obj)

59 exercitum

60 army (obj)

61 impetus

62 attack (subj)

63 adventūs

64 arrivals (subj) arrivals (obj) of arrival

65 cāsum

66 case (obj)

67 adventū

68 by/with/from arrival

69 domibus

70 to/for homes by/with/from homes

71 senātūs

72 senates (subj) senates (obj) of senate

73 manuum

74 of hands

75 gradum

76 step (obj)

77 portuum

78 of harbours

79 gradūs

80 steps (subj) steps (obj) of step

81 impetū

82 by/with/from attack

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