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4 March 2004 A Framework for OT&E Transformation NDIA 20th Annual Test and Evaluation Conference Dr. William G. Lese Vice President Simulation, Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "4 March 2004 A Framework for OT&E Transformation NDIA 20th Annual Test and Evaluation Conference Dr. William G. Lese Vice President Simulation, Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 March 2004 A Framework for OT&E Transformation NDIA 20th Annual Test and Evaluation Conference Dr. William G. Lese Vice President Simulation, Analysis & Training Systems Northrop Grumman Information Technology

2 Transformation is Underway OT&E Transformation Complexities
Discussion Topics Transformation is Underway OT&E Transformation Complexities OT&E Transformation Framework Conclusions

3 Transformation is Underway
“We must transform not only the capabilities at our disposal, but also the way we think, the way we train, the way we exercise, and the way we fight.” – Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld Jointness Office of Force Transformation Established Services Transformation Plans Training Transformation (e.g. JNTC) Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) Relating readiness to mission metrics Joint Experimentation Knowledge Management OT&E Transformation is Inevitable

4 OT&E Transformation Complexities
Joint OT&E Concept Definition Facilities People Process (Sequential vs. Iterative) Test Objectives Measures and metrics Data collection Data Analysis Cost Responsibility OT&E Ability to Address Adaptability and Agility Moving away from Pass-Fail Mentality

5 OT&E Transformation Complexities
Missing the Mission Focus – Not technology focus Size of test resources not sufficient for system of systems test Training Transformation Relationship Stronger link between joint experimentation and OT&E MEM (Model-Experiment-Model) Mission Metrics Joint Context Service and Joint OT&E Relationship Facilities, resources, connectivity Culture – Knowledge Management “In view of the challenges we face now and in the future, I have decided to change how we develop and execute programs to ensure that our programs serve joint needs and effectively balance current and future risks.” Sec Def. Oct 2003 Memo for Mil Dept Secretaries

DOD Acquisition Cycle MNS C&T Dev System Dev and Demo Production and Deployment Support A B C FRP CONCEPTS LRIP ITEM EDM FRP ITEM EOA OA (1&2) DEM-VAL USER RQMT ASSESSMENT JOINT OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS I N D U S T R Y T E S IOT&E M & S Continuous Testing, Improving, and Learning Spiral FOT&E DEM-VAL USER RQMT ASSESSMENT JOINT OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS I N D U S T R Y TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE (DOTMLPF) JT Staff KM GRID Services Academia Operational Requirements Collaborative Environment JNTC Industry COCOMs Internet/Intranet SIPRNet Identify & Link SMEs DT & OT Processes Test and Evaluation Enablers Training Data Mart Data Archives Applications Vectoring Information Smart Push-Pull Network Agents & Search Engines Experimentation M & S Virtual Collaborative Teams and Communities of Practice

7 Key Features of the Framework
KM Impact on OTE - COPs Access to experts – databases Portals/ web based/connectivity Link to JNTC Open architecture Testing is JTF mission based Link to experimentation Testing supported by M&S Testing is spiral and continuous Feedback to requirements

8 The Framework is a Roadmap for Successfully Transforming OT&E
Joint OT&E Adaptability and agility Pass-Fail Mentality Mission focus Training Transformation Relationship Joint Experimentation Link Service and Joint OT&E Relationship Culture – Knowledge Management

9 Conclusions OT&E transformation is inevitable
KM processes and procedures play a critical role in addressing OT&E transformation complexities Proposed framework is a roadmap for successfully transforming OT&E

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