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Published byWidya Erlin Hermawan Modified over 6 years ago
Introduction Holly Carter and Kathleen Vanderwall
Work Samples and State Scoring Guides References: OAR : Follow links from State Board of Education Meetings: Today’s Presentations: Test Administration Manual ( Appendix D (Requirements for Assessment of Essential Skills) and Appendix E (Work Samples and State Scoring Guides) ODE’s Script: Welcome to Oregon Department of Education’s update on how the Work Samples and State Scoring Guides can be used to meet -the Essential Skills graduation requirement and -the local performance assessment requirement under Oregon’s Assessment of Essential Skills Administrative Rule. We have updated this presentation to reflect the State Board’s decisions of 8/28/09. Many of Oregon teachers in districts statewide have over a decade’s experience locally assessing of students through Work Samples scored with State Scoring Guides. How can we respect this professional and historical investment? How can this intellectual store house be taped to meet new requirements as Oregon improves standards based education and strengthens diploma requirements so our graduates are prepared for next steps? Presenters: Kathleen Vanderwall, Manager of Test Design, ODE Holly Carter, Assessment Policy Analyst. We will start today with an Introduction, then the State’s Assessment Specialists will give content segments. This introduction gives important information not repeated in the content specific segments. Introduction Holly Carter and Kathleen Vanderwall
Expectations Learn about use of work samples to meet either the local performance assessment requirement or the Essential Skills graduation requirement Learn about current scoring guide resources and upcoming professional development opportunities Provide feedback to ODE on what additional professional development opportunities are needed ODE’s Script: Today our focus is to assist you learn to use work samples to meet local performance assessment requirements as well as Essential Skills graduation requirements You will Hear about current scoring guide resources You will be asked to Give ODE feedback on what additional professional development opportunities are needed so that we can more intently focus on your needs to apply Work Samples to meet new requirements.
All students in grades 3-8 and once in High School
Work Samples and State Scoring Guide can be used to meet requirements. All students in grades 3-8 and once in High School Not Required Now Optional Now Beginning with the class of: 2012 (Pending Approval) 2013 Not Required 2014 Reading Writing ODE’s script: We are going to give you background on using work samples and state scoring guides for requirements for Local Performance Assessments and for the Essential Skills graduation requirements. To clarify, work samples scored with state scoring guides are one option for school districts to meet the Local Preformance Assessment. If your school district has a common assessment that is comparable with the State Scoring Guide (which means the same depth and breadth of content) then the district can implement their own common assessment for purpose of the Local Performance Assessment. In addition, work samples scored with state scoring guides are one option for students to meet the Essential Skills diploma requirement. Throughout today’s presentations you will see that we use two icons: -the icon with a star reflects the Local Performance Assessment (to demonstrate opportunity to learn in each subject, one per grade 3-8 and one in high school). -the other icon reflects the Essential Skills requirement for purpose of the high school diploma. These icons are on the web for your use at Mathematics Science Speaking Social Sciences 8/28/09 Update
OAR 581-022-0615: Assessment of Essential Skills
Essential Skills An option for students to fulfill the Essential Skills requirement for a high school diploma Local Performance Assessments An option to ensure that students in grades 3 – 8 and once in high school are afforded with an opportunity to learn and receive feedback These OAR requirements went into effect July 1, Emergency Rule, August 28, 2009. ODE’s Script: Do you remember that this year’s sophomores must demonstrate that they are proficient in certain Essential Skills in order to get a diploma? This Administrative Rule specifies that Work Samples are one option for students to fulfill the Essential Skills Requirement for a high school diploma. As every teacher knows anticipation is a good way to set up lessons. Similary, this Rule sets up Opportunity to Learn. The Rule says that each district must be sure that every student has an opportunity to learn and receive feedback through Local Performance Assessments. The rule says that districts must ensure LPA for every 3rd through 8th grader in areas of math, writing, speaking and science. In addition each high school student must have at least one local performance assessment in each of these subjects at least once during high school.
Essential Skills Essential Skills are foundational skills designed to equip students with what they need to be successful in college, the workplace, and their communities. Students learn and apply essential skills in all subject areas. The Essential Skills are: Read and comprehend a variety of text Write clearly and accurately Apply mathematics in a variety of settings Listen actively and speak clearly and coherently Think critically and analytically Use technology to learn, live, and work Demonstrate civic and community engagement Demonstrate global literacy Demonstrate personal management and teamwork skills Reference: OAR (16)(a). This slide is meant to establish context. It is not a major discussion point for this presentation. Key words have been highlighted in bold. For more information on Oregon Administrative Rules, see information on the web at: The State Board of Education reviews all new OARs and proposed changes. More information on the State Board’s work is on the web at:
Essential Skills Graduation Requirement
For 2012: Read and comprehend a variety of text For 2013: Write clearly and accurately For 2014: Apply mathematics in a variety of settings Reference: p. D-1 of the Test Administration Manual ( “In accordance with OAR Assessment of Essential Skills, the graduating class of 2012 will be required to demonstrate proficiency in the following Essential Skills in order to receive a high school diploma: Read and comprehend a variety of text Write clearly and accurately Speak clearly and coherently As of June 2009, the graduating class of 2014 will be the first students required to demonstrate proficiency in the Essential Skill of “Apply Mathematics in a Variety of Settings” for the purpose of receiving a high school diploma. The State Board of Education has cautioned districts to continue assessing student proficiency in this Essential Skill in the school year.” Also, the State Board will meet August 26 – 28. They will determine whether application of the Essential Skills of Writing and Speaking to the graduation requirement should also be deferred. If so, the intention is that districts will still continue to assess students in these skills even though those assessments will not be used as evidence in granting a high school diploma. The other Essential Skills will be phased in for assessment in future years.
Essential Skills Graduation Requirement
Subject Beginning for This Year’s Graduating Class of Reading Writing Math 2012 2013 2014 10th graders 9th graders 8th graders Reference: p. D-1 of the Test Administration Manual ( “In accordance with OAR Assessment of Essential Skills, the graduating class of 2012 will be required to demonstrate proficiency in the following Essential Skills in order to receive a high school diploma: Read and comprehend a variety of text Write clearly and accurately Speak clearly and coherently As of June 2009, the graduating class of 2014 will be the first students required to demonstrate proficiency in the Essential Skill of “Apply Mathematics in a Variety of Settings” for the purpose of receiving a high school diploma. The State Board of Education has cautioned districts to continue assessing student proficiency in this Essential Skill in the school year.” Also, the State Board will meet August 26 – 28. They will determine whether application of the Essential Skills of Writing and Speaking to the graduation requirement should also be deferred. If so, the intention is that districts will still continue to assess students in these skills even though those assessments will not be used as evidence in granting a high school diploma. The other Essential Skills will be phased in for assessment in future years.
Essential Skills Assessment Options
The goal is a fair and consistent system Multiple Assessment Options for Essential Skills: OAKS Assessments (Reading, Writing, Mathematics) Work Samples (Writing, Mathematics) ACT (Reading, Mathematics) PLAN (Reading, Mathematics) Work Keys (Reading, Mathematics) Compass (Reading, Mathematics) ASSET (Reading, Mathematics) Reference: Table on p. D-2 of Test Administration Manual ( More information, including the cut scores for each assessment option is given in the Manual. p. E-2: “ODE is currently in the process of field testing the new scoring guide for Reading. ODE expects that the State Board will approve the use of work samples scored using the Reading Scoring Guide sometime during the school year; however, this assessment option has not yet been approved.”
Annual Requirement: Local Performance Assessment
Students in grades 3 – 8 & once in HS must complete one local performance assessment each in the skill areas of writing, speaking, mathematical problem-solving, and scientific inquiry. For social science analysis, students in grades 3 – 8 and once in HS may complete one local performance assessment. Work samples scored using an official state scoring guide are one type of local performance assessment available to districts Source: OAR (16)(c)-(d) The intent is to ensure that all students in grades 3 – 8 and in high school are afforded with an opportunity to learn and receive feedback.
Retention of Student Work Samples
RUMOR REALITY Districts must retain all student work samples including papers/projects and supporting documentation for all students Districts should retain documentation of student scores Districts determine whether to keep work samples OR return them to students References: Appendix E, p. E-9: “School districts may adopt a policy to either retain work samples or return them to students after scores have been entered in the school or school district’s record-keeping system. Documentation of scores relating to the Assessment of Essential Skills should be retained through the time a student exits the public school system.” For work samples used to meet the Essential Skills requirement, scores should be retained until the student graduates. Districts can decide how to retain scores (e.g., electronic database) Citation: p. E-9 of the Test Administration Manual Resource Location:
Work Samples as Local Performance Assessments
RUMOR REALITY Districts are required by law to only use work samples scored with the official state scoring guide to meet the local performance assessment for grades 3-8 and once in high school Districts may use work samples, or Districts may use a comparable, locally developed measure adopted by the district OAR (2) School districts and public charter schools that offer grades 3 through 8 or high school shall administer local performance assessments for students in grades 3 through 8 and at least once in high school. For each skill area which has been phased in for local performance assessments, the assessments shall consist of: One work sample per grade scored using official state scoring guides; or Comparable measures adopted by the district. Additional References: Appendix E, p. E-3: “Over time, districts may build banks of local performance assessments for future use and to ensure flexibility for students with different interests. Districts may also share local performance assessments with other districts to increase the number and variety of local performance assessments available for use.” Citation: Section 2 of OAR Assessment of Essential Skills Resource Location:
Achievement Standards for Essential Skill Work Samples
RUMOR REALITY A student may combine scores from multiple work samples to meet the achievement standard A student must score a 4 in each required trait for each individual work sample. References: Page E-8: “In order to use a work sample to meet the Essential Skills requirement, it must meet the achievement standard approved by the State Board. A work sample is considered to meet the achievement standard if it receives a score of 4 in each of the required traits on the appropriate official scoring guide. Students must score a 4 in each required trait for each individual work sample. A student may not meet the achievement standard by combining scores of 4 for different traits from two separate work samples.” For the Scientific Inquiry local performance assessments, students may combine scores from multiple work samples. However, this may be subject to change in the future if scientific inquiry work samples become an assessment option for an Essential Skill. Citation: p. E-8 of the Test Administration Manual Resource Location:
RUMOR REALITY Revising Work Samples
Students may not revise work samples if they do not meet the standard REALITY Students may revise work samples under teacher judgment Revisions must remain the product of the student’s independent efforts References: p. E – 8: “Districts may adopt policies to allow students to revise their work, especially when a work sample is close to meeting the achievement standard. As long as the work sample remains the product of the student’s independent efforts, revision is a reasonable alternative to starting over again, particularly for longer projects.” p. E-9: “Except for ODE-provided feedback forms, no teacher or peer feedback may be given for work samples used to meet the Essential Skills graduation requirement…For work samples applied toward the Essential Skill graduation requirement, all revisions must be completed under the direct supervision of a teacher or administrator.”
RUMOR REALITY Scoring Work Samples Work samples must be double-scored.
A certain teacher might be perceived as having prevented a student from graduating. Work samples are only required to be scored once. Districts could direct committees to score “borderline” work samples; raters could have secure rater ID numbers.
RUMOR REALITY Use of Word Processors for Work Samples
Work samples may not be word-processed. Spell- and grammar-check features must be disabled for work samples. Work samples may be word-processed. It is not necessary to disable spell- and grammar-check features. ODES’s Script: Work samples may be word-processed. It is not necessary to disable spell- and grammar-check features. This applies to both -Work Samples used for Local Performance Assessment and -Work Samples used to demonstrate proficiency in Essential Skills for purpose of Diploma. To the extent it is relevant; this applies for each content area – from writing to scientific inquiry. Why? Because work samples are students chance to demonstrate their real world ability. They need to use the everyday technology of word processing with spell and grammar check.
Local Performance Assessments for Social Science Analysis
RUMOR REALITY Local performance assessments in social science analysis are required at grades 3-8 and once in high school School districts may include one social science analysis work sample as a local performance assessment at grades 3 – 8 and once in high school ODE’s Script: School districts may include one social science analysis work sample as a local performance assessment at grades 3 – 8 and once in high school This applies only to Work Samples for Local Performance Assessment Districts choose whether the social science analysis work sample is required. Citation: p. E-8 of the Test Administration Manual Resource Location:
Requirements for Assessing the Essential Skill of Mathematics in 2009-10
RUMOR REALITY Districts are no longer required to assess mathematics until the graduating class of 2014 Districts must administer one local performance assessment in mathematical problem-solving annually Districts should continue assessing students in the Essential Skill of Mathematics Reference: P. D-1: “As of June 2009, the graduating class of 2014 will be the first students required to demonstrate proficiency in the Essential Skill of “Apply Mathematics in a Variety of Settings” for the purpose of receiving a high school diploma. The State Board of Education has cautioned districts to continue assessing student proficiency in this Essential Skill in the school year.” ODE’s Script: Districts must administer one local performance assessment in mathematical problem-solving each year – for every student in 3rd to 8th grade and also at least once for every high school student. Reality is this year’s 8th grade students will be accountable to demonstrate proficiency in problem solving. Districts should continue assessing students in the Essential Skill of Mathematics. It will be necessary for this year’s 8th graders to demonstrate proficiency in math before graduating from high school – the work sample is one option. Citation: p. D-1 of the Test Administration Manual Resource Location:
State’s Goal: Clear Guidelines
Test Administration Manual Requirements for Essential Skills (Appendix D) Work Samples and State Scoring Guides (Appendix E) References: App. D of Test Administration Manual contains detailed information on the Essential Skills graduation requirement, including a full list of approved assessment options and achievement standards for each Essential Skill. Look for updates as the State Board makes changes to these requirements App. E provides detailed information regarding the uses of work samples. Specific topics addressed: guidelines for work sample design, administration of work samples, scoring work samples, opportunities for student revision, collecting and managing work samples, and ensuring consistency ODE’s Script: ODE’s goal is to provide straight forward guidelines for work samples for districts opting to use work samples for Local Performance Assessment and for students opting to use work samples to demonstrate proficiency in Essential Skills for purpose of Diploma The best source of guidance is the Test Administration Manual – there is a comprehensive section (Appendix D) on Requirements for Assessment of Essential Skills and a section on Work Samples and State Scoring Guides (Appendix E)
State’s Goal: Flexible Professional Development Resources
Department chair, district test coordinators, regional curriculum directors, others Compatible with larger structures of professional development: e.g. Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Science Leaders, System of Accountability Reference: Training slides from today’s presentation are posted online at select Additional Resources and then Work Sample Training Materials. ODE’s Script: We have split today’s sessions into modules – this introduction and a module for each content area. We want department chair, principals, district test coordinators, regional curriculum directors, others to be able to use the streams of today’s modules during local events within the school buildings and district offices ODE is partnering with organizations, for example, Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Science Leaders, and the Oregon Education Service Districts Instructional Leaders Council to ensure that the resources can be transparently applied as part of regional and statewide professional development.
Professional Development
System of Accountability Data Driven Decision Making Data Teams Effective Teaching Strategies ODE’s Script: Partnering with the Oregon Association of ESD Instructional Leader Council, ODE is aware that the Administrative Rule and Work Sample resources must be laid out so that they dovetail and clearly fit within the System of Accountability. We hope that you see that Work Samples are a part of the Statewide System of Accountability. For Example, System of Accountability – The Oregon Administrative Rule on Assessment of Essential Skills must be implemented by each Oregon school district. Local districts must address the required annual local performance assessment that gives each student an opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency as evidence of their opportunity to learn. At this level district administrators will set in place local policies that make the State Scoring Guides one option for student’s to demonstrate their proficiency in Essential Skills as a diploma requirement. Priority Standards Common Formative Assessments
Professional Development
System of Accountability Data Driven Decision Making Data Teams Effective Teaching Strategies ODE’s Script Data Teams – The Data Teams structure lends itself to a key concern of many districts, inter-rater reliability, inter-school reliability. Collaborative scoring of student work is profitable work for district teams. Priority Standards Common Formative Assessments
Professional Development
System of Accountability Data Driven Decision Making Data Teams Effective Teaching Strategies ODE’s Script Effective Teaching Strategies – Curriculum embedded tasks or lessons that elicit student work that can be scored with the State Scoring Guides Priority Standards Common Formative Assessments
Professional Development
System of Accountability Data Driven Decision Making Data Teams Effective Teaching Strategies ODE’s Script: Common Formative Assessments – The state scoring guides, anchor papers, and related resources can be used by local school districts to develop classroom and district level prompts as part of their common formative assessments. Priority Standards Common Formative Assessments
All students in grades 3-8 and once in High School
Work Samples and State Scoring Guide can be used to meet requirements. All students in grades 3-8 and once in High School Not Required Now Optional Now Beginning with the class of: 2012 (Pending Approval) 2013 Not Required 2014 Reading Writing ODE’s Script: To recap, work samples scored with state scoring guides are one option for school districts to meet these requirements. If your school district has a common assessment that is comparable with the State Scoring Guide (which means the same depth and breadth of content) then your district can implement policy so that it can be used according to local policies to meet the LPA requirements. If work samples are used, just one per year. What about the Essential Skills? The work samples are one option for students to meet the Essential Skills diploma requirement. Mathematics Science Speaking Social Sciences 8/28/09 Update
Resources All of today’s resources are on ODE’s web at: “Additional Resources” WebEx Thursday (10/8), 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Registration: By January: contacts with expertise for each scoring guide.
Interested in being on ODE’s new Work Sample Listserv?
Questions? Interested in being on ODE’s new Work Sample Listserv? Cari White at ODE will use this listserv to send out updates on scoring guide resources and training materials.
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