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WELCOME!! To US Government.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME!! To US Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME!! To US Government

2 Classroom Rules… Respect for others, their space, and their property
Actively listening while Miss Marrs is talking Turn in your work promptly Always give your best


4 Supplies… Spiral notebook Pens


6 Grading Policy Major grades (summatives) are 60% and daily grades (formatives) are 40% Partial credit will not be given, the assignment must be complete when it is turned in Late work will receive max 70% for 1 day late, 50% for 2 days, and no credit for 3 days or more (Major assignments) and 50% max for 1 day late no credit for 2 days or more (Minor assignments) Students will be allowed to retest w/in 1 week of receiving their grade after completing 1 tutorial,

7 Tutorials They will be offered PLC or by appointment

8 Remind101 instructions

9 SIC’EM BEARS!! Baylor Gold BA in Political Science Kappa Alpha Theta

10 EAT’EM UP CATS!! working towards MA in Political Science


12 Baby Archer



15 Judge & Belle

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