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Welcome CLASS OF 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome CLASS OF 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome CLASS OF 2017

2 SENIOR YEAR The clock is ticking

3 TIMELINE S E P T M B R IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THIS ALREADY… Make a list of preliminary schools (reach, match, and safety schools) Explore college websites Visit the ISAC rep – Office Hours 9/26/16



6 SEPTEMBER - CONTINUED Schedule Campus Visits – Seniors are allowed 2 college days (form in the Guidance Office or online). Take advantage of days we are not in session as well! Go Visit Your Guidance Counselor!

TIMELINE O C T B E R Complete applications FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid – Financial Aid Apply as soon as you can for Financial Aid. PPY – and FSA ID Workshop available at KCC PAY ATTENTION TO DEADLINES

8 TIMELINE - NOVEMBER DEADLINES! Most priority deadlines are in November
Get supporting documents submitted to your schools (transcripts, ACT scores, recommendations.) Make any necessary college visits (interviews, auditions) Stay on track of Senior year first semester grades! Use the resources HHS has in place to help you succeed.

9 D E C M B R Study for Final Exams
Request your Mid-year or 7th semester grade report or transcript to be sent to your college of choice (if necessary) Okay, Procrastinators: Holiday Break gives you lots of time to finish all last minute applications and essays.

10 JANUARY – Second Semester
Begin the last semester of high school – STAY ON TRACK! Start locating local scholarships that are available to you. Go to the guidance webpage to find local scholarship applications. Don’t forget to look for scholarships attached to your family’s clubs/organizations, churches, credit unions, banks, employers etc.

11 February and March Last chance college visits to help you decide (Spring Break?) If you’re ready to make the college decision, mail in housing application and deposit. Notify all other schools to let them know you will not be attending. Continue working on Scholarship Applications. Keep track of DEADLINES!

12 A P R I L Make the tough decision on your school choice (May 1st is the official cut-off) Get housing information in ASAP so you can get the dorm you want! Make an appointment to meet with your academic advisor and attend an orientation.

May 1st – You MUST make the decision and let all schools involved know. Pedal to the Medal – work until the end so your grades and GPA are not affected. Attend Graduation Practice and fill out your exit survey (Final Transcript Request) Send Thank you notes to scholarship donors and teachers who have helped you along the way. GRADUATE

14 or
QUESTIONS? Please contact Mrs. Bisaillon or Ms. Marcukaitis throughout the school year. or (815) ext.6812 or ext.6813

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