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Remember: Practice Makes Perfect!

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1 Remember: Practice Makes Perfect!
Gerunds Remember: Practice Makes Perfect!

2 What is a Gerund? A gerund (often known as an -ing word) is a noun formed from a verb by adding –ing. Not all words formed with -ing are gerunds. e.g. I enjoy searching the Internet.

3 So GERUND is the –ing form of the verb that acts as a NOUN
How to Form Gerund? I enjoy playing the guitar. Sara is dreaming of becoming a teacher. My father has recently thought of traveling abroad. verb + ing = gerund So GERUND is the –ing form of the verb that acts as a NOUN To form negative gerunds, use not + gerund e.g. Not speaking Hebrew well is my biggest problem in this country.

4 Do Not Confuse! There are some words that look like gerunds. However, they are NOT. Which ones are gerunds here? Nir is going to the cinema this afternoon. 2. I enjoy reading books in the evening. 3. The movie was really boring. 4. We talked about moving to a new apartment. 5. The family is planning to go to Eilat in the summer.

5 Gerund As a Part of a Sentence
All gerunds can be the subject of a sentence. e.g. Breathing is necessary. Driving a car requires good vision. Helping other people makes me feel good. A gerund can be a direct object. e.g. Daniel enjoys swimming more than spending time with his friends. A gerund can be an indirect object. e.g. Daniel gives swimming all of his energy and time. A gerund can be used as an object of preposition e.g. The police arrested him for speeding.

6 Verbs That Take Only Gerunds
admit delay imagine practice advise deny involve reject allow dislike keep resist appreciate enjoy mention risk avoid escape mind stop can’t help fancy miss suggest can’t stand finish permit understand consider go (swimming) postpone waste (time) Stop shouting! Jim admitted robbing the bank. Do you enjoy playing tennis? She couldn’t help laughing.

7 Preposition and a Gerund
Verbs Followed by a Preposition and a Gerund admit to approve of apologize for argue about be accused of be excited about be used to believe in blame for care about complain about concentrate on confess to count on depend on disapprove of discourage from dream about feel like forget about famous for insist on instead of interested in keep from look forward to object to plan on prevent from profit from refrain from succeed in take care about talk about think about worry about

8 Gerund Is Also Used With:
You can get good grades by working hard every day. Preposition “by” + gerund Recreational activities: camping, dancing, sightseeing, swimming, skiing, fishing, jogging She will go dancing tomorrow. Go + gerund It is worth…, it is no use/ good …, there no point in…, it is useless…, it is a waste of money/time…, we have difficulty in…. Certain expressions

9 Practice Makes Perfect!
Let’s Practice Ex .1 Ex .2 Ex .3 Ex .5 Ex .6 Ex .4 Practice Makes Perfect!

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