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Do Now Heading: Applied Force and Centripetal Acceleration

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1 Do Now Heading: Applied Force and Centripetal Acceleration
Pick up a crossword from the front table Turn in your homework from Tuesday Reminder Forces Quiz Tomorrow!!!

Today’s Vocabulary CENTRIPETAL ACCELERATION Applied Force

3 Applied Force

4 Practice Problems A man applied a force to the right on a box. A woman applies a force of 10 N to the left. The net force is 3 N to the left. What is the man’s applied force? If the box has a mass of 3 kg, what is the acceleration of the box? A dog is standing on a 2 kg book. The normal force of this book is 40 N. What is the net force this book is experiencing? What is the dog’s applied force on this book?

5 Why do you think the cups don’t fall off?
Write the question down. Answer the question with at least 3 sentences. Make sure to identify the forces you think are acting on the cups at the top of the swing Draw the FBD of the cups at the top, showing all the forces you think are acting on the cup


7 Draw and Identify 1) The direction of the centripetal acceleration 2) The direction the plane will fly in if the rope breaks

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