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Bibles and Burgers WELCOME!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Bibles and Burgers WELCOME!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bibles and Burgers WELCOME!!!

2 What is Bibles and Burgers about?
Eating some burgers as brothers in the Lord. Spending some time in the word of God.

3 Why is this important to do?
Approximately 40% of CHRISTIAN marriages end in divorce 30% of children in America have no consistent contact with their fathers. 70% of all suicides in America are committed by men. By gathering together as brothers, we will support each other and look to God’s word for guidance and strength.

4 Ground Rules Please help us keep the perimeter secure
- What is said here STAYS here - Please do not share things said here outside unless someone asks you to

5 The identity crisis of men in America today.
Sometimes it is hard to remember our true identity in Christ

6 Gideon had an identity crisis
Judges Chapter 6:

7 Gideon’s identity How did Gideon see himself? .Weak Coward
Least in his family Overpowered by his enemies Doubter Forsaken Fearful .

8 Gideon’s Identity How did God see Gideon? .Strong Powerful Chosen
Important Mighty Warrior Sent by God Humble .

9 Gideon working under GOD’S identity….
Judges 7:24-25

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