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Advancing Technology in Challenging Economic Times 11 Cost-Saving Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing Technology in Challenging Economic Times 11 Cost-Saving Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing Technology in Challenging Economic Times 11 Cost-Saving Strategies

2 1. Desktop Virtualization $70 vs. $700 Easier to install and manage 1 watt vs. 110 watts No warranty Use existing monitors, mice, keyboards No eScrap Total Cost Savings = $549,000.00

3 Desktop Virtualization - nComputing

4 2. Network Virtualization Better use of computing resources 3 physical servers = 36 virtual servers Uses less energy Cost savings on server purchases = $231,000.00 (33 servers x $7000)

5 3. Green technology solutions Energy savings for desktop virtualization = $36,000.00 Energy savings for server virtualization = $64,000.00 Recycled toner cartridges = $30,000.00

6 4. Netbooks $299 vs. $799 No warranties Cost savings = $125,000.00

7 5. Open Source Software Open Office = $14,000.00 Word Press (for management of web site) = $40,000.00 Moodle (course management software) = $20,000.00

8 6. Open Content Initiative Khan Academy – http://www.khanacademy.org Online textbooks - http://www.ck12.org Digital Textbook Cost-Savings Calculator - Online mapping resources -

9 7. eCommunications – Go Paperless!

10 8. Cloud Computing Network is the computer

11 9. Software Integration (SIF) Student Information System Data Warehouse IEP Software Financial/Personnel Software

12 10. Open Campus Concept A personal computing device for every student BYOT/BYOD/BYOC Develop Your Cloud Other Issues Policy Security Professional Development

13 11. Interactive Whiteboard Projectors $1000 vs. $4000 Easier to install and longer bulb life 3-D content ready Savings = $450,000.00 Total Cost Savings = $1, 573,000.000 A lot of small changes can add up to significant savings!

14 Thank you for your time and attention Contact Information: Tracy E. Smith, Asst. to the Supt. for Operations Parkland School District Phone: 610.351.5592 Email: Web Site: cing-technology/ cing-technology/

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