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d-heaps Same as binary heaps, except d children instead of 2.

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1 d-heaps Same as binary heaps, except d children instead of 2.
array implementation insert: O(logd N) delete: O(d logd N) Why d-heaps? 10 16 12 80 45 27 78 23 95 15 90 95 87 54 59 Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

2 Quadtrees Application: image representation (graphics)
Idea: recursively represent the image into finer and finer detail. Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

3 Octrees Similar idea for 3-D images.
Hidden surface removal: Draw cells that are “farther back” first. Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

4 Other applications Hash tables: B-trees:
compilers: keeping track of symbols finding out what is known about a genetic sequence passwords: hash functions B-trees: drivers license database telephone directory Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

5 Optimal BSTs Suppose each key has a different frequency of access.
unsorted list: keep the most frequently accessed items at the front of the list. By analogy, in a BST, more frequently accessed keys ought to be kept closer to the root. A: 0.35, B: 0.3, C: 0.35 A A B C C B C A C A B C B B A Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

6 Finding the Optimal Tree
Brute force: (4n / n3/2) trees. Let K1 < K2 < … < Kn be the keys in their dictionary order, and let pi be the probability of accessing Ki. Let T be any tree constructed from the keys Kj, …, Kk, where 1  j  k  n. T is optimal if its cost is as small as the cost of any other tree with the same keys. Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

7 Observation: Every subtree of an optimal tree is itself optimal.
Suppose d  0, if we know the optimal trees for Ki, …, Ki+c for c < d and 1  i  n-d, then we can compute the optimal tree for the keys Kj, …, Kj+d for all j  n-d. T TR TL Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

8 How? For all possible roots, find the left and right subtrees that are optimal. Choose the root that results in the tree with the lowest cost. Recursion? No! n C 1 1 (n3) running time n C[j,k] – cost of the optimal tree on keys j through k r[j,k] – root of the optimal tree Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

9 Probability-balanced trees
Choose the root Kl so that p(1, l-1)  p(l+1, n) Can build the tree in linear time. Can prove that the expected search time is within a factor of 2 of optimal. In practice: within a few percent of optimal. Nov 7, 2001 CSE 373, Autumn 2001

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