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Presentation on theme: "Volcanism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanism

2 Volcanism Subduction


4 Juan de Fuca plate is subducting underneath the North American plate


6 Types of Volcanoes This website can show you animations of plate tectonics.

7 Types of Volcanoes Shield Produced by the accumulation of lava flows
Very broad shaped…many kilometers wide Examples Hawaii, Olympus Mons

8 Types of Volcanoes Cinder Cones
Steep-sloped volcanoes formed by the accumulation of pyroclastic material Once it erupts the magma in the vent solidifies Short-lived volcanoes

9 Types of volcanoes Composite Cone
Formed from layers of lava and pyroclastic material Generate very explosive eruptions Examples include volcanoes of the Cascade range and the Ring of Fire


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