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Apple Grins.

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Presentation on theme: "Apple Grins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apple Grins

2 What are Apple Grins? Slices of an apple that look like a smile or “grin”

3 Common Types of Apples

4 Apple Facts There are more than 7500 varieties of apples grown in the world. About 2500 varieties are grown in the United States. Apples are a member of the rose family. The average American eats an estimated 45 pounds of apples a year. Apple trees have a life of over 100 years.

5 Animals which eat apples include horses, monkeys, bears, raccoons and rabbits.

6 Johnny Appleseed was the nickname for John Chapman, a kind and generous American pioneer born in 1774 who planted apple seeds in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.


8 REMEMBER: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Business Marketing—Cleburne County Career Tech

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