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CSE 1020: The Collection Framework

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1 CSE 1020: The Collection Framework
Mark Shtern

2 Summary Inheritance

3 Main Interfaces List Set Map Sequence Duplicate are allowed
Duplicate are not allowed Order is insignificant Map Mapping between set of keys and set of values Mapping must be a function

4 Storage Techniques Hash Array Tree Linked

5 Implementing Classes List  ArrayList, LinkedList
Set  HashSet, TreeSet Map  HashMap, TreeMap

6 Default List  ArrayList Set  HashSet Map  HashMap

7 Example output.println(“Enter the elements pressing Enter “); output.println(“after each. [Empty line = sentinel]”); for (String in = input.nextLine(); in.length() !=0; in = input.nextLine()) { if (!bag.add(in)) { output.println(“Not added (already present)”); }

8 Generics List bag = new ArrayList(); bag.add(“testing”); List <Date> bag = new ArrayList<Date>(); <? extends P> or <? super C>

9 API Highlights Adding elements Removing elements boolean ddd (E o)
V put (K key, V value) add (int index, E element) Removing elements boolean remove (Object o) E remove (int index) V remove (K key)

10 API Highlights Accessing Elements Searching E get(int index)
V get(K key) Searching contains(E o) conatinsKey(K key)

11 Iteration for(String x: bag.keySet()) { .... } for(String x: bag)

12 Searching and Sorting Collections sort (List<T> list)
binarySearch(List<? Extends T> list, T x)

13 Detection Duplicate Problem: Given a list of integers, determine whether its element are distinct List Approach 1 Approach 2 Set

14 Word Frequency How do you extract words from a sentence?
Map  word and its counter

15 Sorting Map TreeMap keeps the elements sorted on the keys

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