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Name Date Hour Unit 5: The Civil War Notes: Fort Sumter

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1 Name Date Hour Unit 5: The Civil War Notes: Fort Sumter

2 I. How it all began… A. Lincoln would not abandon gov. property in the South even though they seceded. B. Many Forts needed to be resupplied…one was called FORT SUMTER

3 II. Fort Sumter A. The N. held onto Fort Sumter in S. Carolina but they were running out of supplies. i. If Lincoln supplied them, he risked war. (b/c he would be going into “enemy territory) ii. If he ordered the troops to leave he would be giving in to the rebels (Southerners)

4 What did Lincoln do????

5 III. He sent supplies A. Lincoln warned the S. that he was sending supply ships. B. Confederate leaders prevented the fed gov from holding onto the fort by attacking before the supply ships arrived.


7 IV. Shots Fired A. April 12, 1861, 4:30 a.m. the Confederates fired at the fort for 34 hours. i. The N. was forced to surrender. ii. No one was killed iii. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE CIVIL WAR!!


9 V. Then What?? A. The North is excited to go to war, EXCEPT for: 4 states in the Upper South secede: VA, NC, TN, and AR i. “I will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing [my] sister Southern States” 1. GETTING VIRGINIA IS A BIG DEAL FOR THE SOUTH…LOTS OF $$, PEOPLE, AND ROBERT E. LEE


11 VI. Choosing Sides A. Border States
i. Deleware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri: all SLAVE STATES that bordered states where slavery was illegal…they all STAYED WITH THE UNION 1. (Maryland has D.C…kind of a big deal) ii. 24 states for the N., and 11 joined the Conf.


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