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Welcome to Science (1/26) Please have a seat and take out the following: Your Modeling Cellular Reproduction Lab (and a red writing utensil, up front if.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Science (1/26) Please have a seat and take out the following: Your Modeling Cellular Reproduction Lab (and a red writing utensil, up front if."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Science (1/26) Please have a seat and take out the following: Your Modeling Cellular Reproduction Lab (and a red writing utensil, up front if you need) Today’s Objective: Engage in a variety of activities to prepare for the Reproduction Quiz. Due Dates: Reproduction Quiz Wed. Jan 31st

2 Welcome to Science (1/26) If you would like to help pass back papers, please come and see me now. Please have a seat and take out the following: Your Modeling Cellular Reproduction Lab Today’s Objective: Engage in a variety of activities to prepare for the Reproduction Quiz. Due Dates: Reproduction Quiz Wed. Jan 31st

3 Most Helpful to Less Helpful
Possible Tools for Quiz Prep -Prepare for Wednesday’s Quiz -Study Guide (Yours and Class Set) -Articles in Book (Building Your Knowledge) -BrainPOP Videos (Listed on the Study Guide) -Website Resources (PowerPoints and Links) -Other Strategies (Flash Cards, Quizzing Each Other, Videos on the Network, Drawing Diagrams, Playing Games from Lessons, etc.) Most Helpful to Less Helpful

4 Order of Activities: Read the article entitled “Meiosis: Creating Sex Cells” pages Finish your Modeling Cellular Reproduction Lab and clean up. Use a microscope to take a look at the prepared slides of meiosis (you may sketch the cells on the last page of your lab, but sketching is optional.) Take a look at your black worms to count the segments. (Are there more or less segments?) Engage in other activities on the topic of reproduction or genetics. -Play the “Control the Cell Cycle Game” -Play the “Pollen Nation” game -Watch BrainPOP Videos from the list on the back of the Science Calendar

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