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Project #2 Multimodal Caricatural Mirror Intermediate report

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1 Project #2 Multimodal Caricatural Mirror Intermediate report

2 Project Summary Create a Multimodal caricatural mirror :
Multimodal = facial + vocal Caricatural = Amplify emotions Mirror = Face your avatar! 2/24/2019

3 Outline Project Architecture : 2 versions Visual Modality :
Face Tracking Facial Features Tracking Facial Expression Recognition Facial Animation Audio Modality : Vocal Features Extraction Emotion detection in Speech Prosody Amplification 2/24/2019

4 Project Architecture #1
Face tracking Facial Features Tracking Speech Signal Vocal Features Extraction Emotion Detection Facial Animation User Fusion Wide Screen Prosody Amplification Movements Amplification 2/24/2019

5 Project Architecture #2 The ‘Mamama’ option
User Face tracking Speech Signal Facial Features Tracking Vocal Features Extraction Emotion Recognition Prosody Amplification Wide Screen Facial Animation Fusion 2/24/2019

6 Face Tracking We chose to use an open-source software :
The OpenCV face tracker Provides real-time face-tracking using C/C++ open-source Intel Computer Vision Library Exemple using OpenCV face tracker, with OUR face tracked !! Picture/Video to be inserted 2/24/2019

7 Facial Features Tracking
Step 1 : Facial Features Detection (1st frame) Computation of image’s trace transform (luminance on M vertical lines) From sets of local minima, infer positions of facial features (eyebrows, eyes and mouth) Build binary image from N darkest pixels per line Facial features’ positions are detected to be among the above mentioned dark pixels  Automatic Initialization of the Candide grid (1st frame) 2/24/2019

8 Facial Features Tracking

9 Grid Initialization 2/24/2019

10 Facial Features Tracking
Step 2 : Facial Features Tracking (all frames > 1) Video missing here … 2/24/2019

11 Emotions modeling Four positions to interpolate, for each emotion:

12 Emotions modeling Happiness Sadness 2/24/2019

13 Facial Animation Among 3D face models, we chose to use Candide3
for the animation It includes animation units and MPEG-4 FAPs Animation software is written in C++ by using OpenGL and SDL APIs, which are open source and can run on many platforms. 2/24/2019

14 Vocal Features extraction
For the moment : pitch only Pitch is extracted by means of the autocorrelation method and modified by means of PSOLA. Ex: downtrend of the pitch is removed, pitch movements amplified and downtrend is set back 2/24/2019

15 Emotion Detection & Prosody Amplification
For vocal features, our aim is to classify : Emotions inducing small pitch variations Emotions inducing high pitch variations Can be done based on pitch or other features such as spectral ones. Original Pitch-powered 2/24/2019

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