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Agenda 10/3 Hardy-Weinberg warm up ‘Strawfish’ Lab

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1 Agenda 10/3 Hardy-Weinberg warm up ‘Strawfish’ Lab
Turn in: HW worksheet and HW video notes Homework: Proposals and study for unit exam List of topics on website

2 Hardy-Weinberg In a population of 1000 individuals, 437 show the dominant phenotype of brown eyes. Predict how many individuals will have each possible genotype in the next generation IF the population is in hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

3 Hardy-Weinberg List and explain the 5 conditions that must be met in order for a population to be in hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Is it likely that the population from the last problem is in hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

4 Hardy-Weinberg Scientists collect data of the population in the next generation and found that 500 were BB, 200 were Bb, and 300 were bb. Is this population in HW equilibrium? Has evolution happened? How do you know? Propose a possible explanation for the shift in allele frequencies away from HW equilibrium.

5 Strawfish Lab 1. The straws represent alleles not fish or traits
2. Rename the colors on your table so you don’t get confused Heterozygous will be the intermediate color 3. Make your graphs neat with axis labeled and graphs titled This serves as a great review from a lot of content in the unit to help you on your exam.

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