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Mrs. Lee Mrs. Lee’s Class Week of December 10th ELA:

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Lee Mrs. Lee’s Class Week of December 10th ELA:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Lee Mrs. Lee’s Class Week of December 10th ELA:
Reading – Text Features Grammar – verb tenses Wednesday 12/12 Text Features Quiz Math: Add Areas to find the area of irregular shapes (iReady Lessons 29 , Go Math Chapter 11) Friday 12/14 Unit 5 USA Test on Area Social Studies: Where We Are in Space and Time - Geography has affected where and how people have chosen to live in history and today. Project Due 12/17 Mrs. Lee 12/12-12/14 iReady Diagnostics 12/14 Dress Down Day 12/21 Holiday Party, End of the 2nd Nine Weeks 12/24-1/4 Winter Break 1/7 Teacher Work Day 1/9 Report Cards Issued 1/10 Class Pictures (uniform) Please make sure your child completes 45 minutes of math and 45 minutes of reading lessons each week. We will be taking students to the computer lab each week beginning mid-September and they will be able to complete some of their minutes at that time. Students will receive a classwork grade for math and reading based upon completion of the 45 minutes.

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