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Write these in your agenda quickly…

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1 Write these in your agenda quickly…
Monday- Study for Unit Test Tomorrow Tuesday- Unit Test Today Wednesday- No Homework Thursday- No Homework Friday- Field Trip Monday: Bring packed lunch & Dress for the weather!!

2 Ecology Unit Test Jeopardy…

3 Today’s Categories… Levels in the Ecosystem Food Chains/Webs
Energy Pyramids How to Study Populations Interactions in the Ecosystem Hodge Podge

4 Levels in the Ecosystem
Food Chains/Webs Energy Pyramids How to Study Populations Interactions in the Ecosystem Hodge Podge $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

5 Levels in the Ecosystem- $100
The amount of oxygen in the air is a(n) ___. What is abiotic factor? Back to Board

6 Levels in the Ecosystem- - $200
The place where an organism lives is its ___. What is habitat? Back to Board

7 Levels in the Ecosystem- $300
All the interacting populations in an area is called a ____. What is a community? Back to Board

8 Levels in the Ecosystem- $400
Explain the difference between an ecosystem and a community. What is a community is all biotic populations in an area and the ecosystem includes abiotic factors and biotic factors.? Back to Board

9 Levels in the Ecosystem- $500
List the 5 levels in the ecosystem from largest to smallest What is Biosphere, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Individual? Back to Board

10 Food Chains/Webs- $100 What is the difference between predator and prey? What is a predator is doing the consuming and prey is being consumed? Back to Board

11 Food Chains/Webs- $200 What is the ultimate source of all energy in the biosphere? What is the sun? Back to Board

12 Food Chains/Webs- $300 Use these organisms and draw a proper food chain. Hawk, mouse, snake, grass What is grass  mouse  snake  Hawk? Back to Board

13 Food Chains/Webs- $400 When the number of predators increases in an area, what happens to the number of prey? What the amount of prey will decrease? Back to Board

14 Food Chains/Webs- $500 Dead plants and animals are broken down by _____ What is decomposers? Back to Board

15 Energy Pyramids- $100 What happens to the number of organisms as you go up an energy pyramid? What is the amount of organisms decreases? Back to Board

16 Energy Pyramids- $200 As you move from one level up to another in an energy pyramid what happens to the amount of available energy. Quantify this answer. What is the energy decreases by 90%? OR What is only 10% of the energy is passed on? Back to Board

17 Energy Pyramids- $300 On which level would you put an organism that eats primary consumers? D C B A What is C, or secondary consumers? Back to Board

18 Energy Pyramids- $400 Which organisms are primary consumers?
What are grasshopper, caterpillar, grub, beetle? Back to Board

19 Energy Pyramids- $500 The mouse population has gone extinct. Explain what will happen to the grub population as a result. The grub population will increase because its predator is no longer around. Back to Board

20 How to Study Populations- $100
The sowbug and worm are living on the same dead log. These organisms have the same ____ but different _____. What is same habitat but different niches? Back to Board

21 How to Study Populations- $200
When the number of prey decrease in a population what will happen to the predators? What is the predator will emigrate or die? Back to Board

22 How to Study Populations- $300
Why would deer graze in a large herd? What is grazing in a herd helps to protect the deer from predators? Back to Board

23 How to Study Populations- $400- Daily Double
Explain when you would use Mark-and Recapture method of population study. What Is for a mobile large populations over time? Back to Board

24 How to Study Populations- $500
How would you calculate the population of a large area using Random Sampling? You would grid your area, select several samples randomly, calculate an average number of organisms in those samples, and multiply the average times the total area. Back to Board

25 Interactions in the Ecosystem- $100
2 Tigers fighting over a dead antelope is an example of… What is competition? Back to Board

26 Interactions in the Ecosystem- $200
A close long term relationship in which one organism benefits and one is unaffected. What is commensalism? Back to Board

27 Interactions in the Ecosystem- $300
A mosquito biting a dog and sucking the blood a human is an example of which symbiotic relationship? What is parasitism? Back to Board

28 Interactions in the Ecosystem- $400
How is the relationship between a parasite and host different than the relationship between a predator and prey. The predator kills the prey immediately so it can eat it. The parasite will slowly take nutrients from the host over a long time. Back to Board

29 Interactions in the Ecosystem- $500
Aphids are small insects that live near ants. The ants protect the aphids from predators. The aphids produce a sweet substance that the ants eat. This is an example of _____. What is mutualism? Back to Board

30 Hodge Podge $100 A population of mice is at its carrying capacity when the population What is when the area holds as many as it can support? Back to Board

31 Hodge Podge $200 If there are 70 penguins on an iceberg that is 2000 km2.What is that describing? What is population density? Back to Board

32 Hodge Podge $300 This means self-feeder. What is autotroph?
Back to Board

33 Hodge Podge $400 What is the carrying capacity of this population?
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34 Hodge Podge $500 A rabbit population’s carrying capacity is 100 rabbits. There is a drought this year. What can you call the drought? How is the population impacted by this natural occurrence? The drought is a limiting factor on the rabbit population. The rabbit population will decrease in size because there is not enough water and the water limited the population of grass available for the rabbit to eat. Back to Board

35 Daily Double Specify Your Wager!

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