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Lesson 1.2: Linking Culture to Behavior

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1 Lesson 1.2: Linking Culture to Behavior
Cultural Dimensions Lesson 1.2: Linking Culture to Behavior

2 Essential Question How do the invisible elements of culture affect behavior?

3 Activation: Describe what you see.

4 Why are the people standing in line?
Who told them to form a line? Why did they not gather around the ticket office in a group?

5 These individuals are exhibiting an unwritten rule of their culture.
Assembling in a line in order to buy a movie ticket is the unwritten rule of this particular aspect of culture. Being polite dictates that no one should cut the line and everyone should wait their turn. The ideas of what constitutes being polite vary from culture to culture.

6 The reason why people behave differently in different cultures is because they have different values/beliefs/rules known as cultural norms. The value/rule of standing in line to be polite is taught to individuals through their parents and various institutions (schools, workplace, etc.). How would this apply to the idea that culture is like an iceberg?

7 Global Party Activity For this activity you will be split in to Group A and Group B. Move to opposite ends of the classroom and discuss your roles quietly. DO NOT SHARE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS WITH THE OPPOSITE GROUP.

8 Now, mingle with each other and discuss what you did this summer.
You may talk to as many people as you want, however, there will only be seven minutes to converse. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON YOUR SHEET AND STAY IN CHARACTER.

9 Debriefing: Part A How did you feel when the activity ended?
How did you feel during the conversations? Why? How did you modify your behavior? What behavior(s), if any, did you consider rude, offensive, or made you feel uncomfortable? Why? What do you think the assigned behaviors were of the other group? What did you learn about interacting with a different culture?

10 Debriefing: Part B Would you agree with the statement, “There is more to conversations than just words?” Why? Base your answers off of this activity. Would you agree with the statement, “Behaviors that we think of as odd or rude may be acceptable in other cultures”? Explain. How does this activity relate to the visible and invisible parts of culture?

11 Journal Answer the following question in your journal:
What advice would you give to a friend who is about to meet an individual from another country?

12 Homework Read the article by Mike Tidwell entitled “Illunga’s Harvest.” You will be answering questions about this article and performing an assessment of it.

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