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Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

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1 Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

2 Figure 23.1 - Structure of Insurance Coverages

3 Nontraditional Insurance Programs
Alternative risk financing: Risk-funding arrangements that typically apply to losses above a firm’s primary self-insurance retentions or losses above the primary insurance layer. Integrated risk management: Coordinated alternative risk-financing approach of identifying, measuring, and monitoring diverse and multiple risks that require effective and rapid response to changing circumstances.

4 Nontraditional Insurance Programs
Two of the nontraditional transfer programs available to risk managers are: Integrated risk (concentric risk and basket aggregates) The features that attract corporations to these programs include: Less administration time and cost Less time and cost for negotiations with brokers and underwriters Elimination of the need to build a tower of coverages One loss triggers just one policy Elimination of gaps in coverage (seamless coverage) Elimination of the need to buy separate limits for each type of coverage Multi-trigger contract

5 Nontraditional Insurance Programs
May include different combinations of coverages and may be designed for different lengths of time and different limits. May be structured with one aggregate deductible for the term of the policy or with separate, per occurrence deductibles.

6 Nontraditional Insurance Programs
Finite insurance programs Allow insureds to share in the underwriting profit and investment income that accrues on premiums if loss experience is favorable and recognize firms’ individual risk transfer needs. Characteristics Multiyear term Overall aggregate limit Experience fund is established for the insured’s losses Interest earned on funds Element of risk transfer Designed for each insured individually using manuscripted policy forms

7 Nontraditional Insurance Programs
Can be used to fund primary losses. Can be used in intermediate layers to stabilize infrequent but periodic losses. Advantages: Improves the balance sheet Reduces volatility in earnings Allows for profit sharing if the loss experience is favorable Helps secure insurance for uninsurable risks Accesses new capacity for catastrophic risks Can be structured to include any type of risk, contingent on approval by the company’s auditors.

8 Nontraditional Insurance Programs
Potential Disadvantages Tax and accounting questions The premiums should not be construed as a deposit for accounting purposes Any monies that are returned to the insured at the end of the period constitute taxable income Time-consuming and complex to develop Frictional costs may be greater than perceived benefits Entail large outlays of cash each year of the term

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