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Eleanor M. Savko Cells Macro molecules Animals 2/24/2019 Plants

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Presentation on theme: "Eleanor M. Savko Cells Macro molecules Animals 2/24/2019 Plants"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eleanor M. Savko Cells Macro molecules Animals 2/24/2019 Plants Protists $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 I’m the “Gatekeeper” of the cell
I’m the “Gatekeeper” of the cell. I’m demonstrated by the fluid mosaic model.

3 Plasma Membrane

4 The organelle within the cell where lipids are synthesized.

5 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

6 This organelle is the site where ribosomes are made.

7 Nucleolus

8 The natural flow of a substance through the plasma membrane from high to low concentration.

9 Diffusion

10 The organelle of photosynthesis.

11 Chloroplast

12 These are the building blocks of proteins.

13 Amino Acids

14 These make up a monomer of lipid.

15 Three fatty acids and one glycerol

16 Name the two nucleic acids involved in protein synthesis.

17 DNA and RNA

18 Used to test for the presence of sugar.

19 Benedict’s Solution

20 //// The element found in proteins but not found in carbohydrate.

21 Nitrogen

22 Animals exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide by what process.

23 Diffusion

24 An animal that shows up first in a food pyramid that eats only plants.

25 Herbivore or Primary Consumer

26 The Phylum Chordata consists of organisms that has a what?

27 Backbone

28 Animal-like Protists are called what?

29 Protozoans

30 The tendency of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment is called

31 Homeostasis

32 Plant cell organelles that contain photosynthetic pigments.

33 Chloroplast

34 What are the vessels that are found in the vascular bundle and what do each transport in the cell.

35 Xylem- transports water Phloem- transports sugar

36 An observable difference between onion skin cells and cheek cells is that the onion skin cells have a what?

37 Cell Wall

38 The part of the leaf where the biggest amount of photosynthesis takes place.

39 Palisade Mesophyll

40 All plant responses such as thigmotropism, phototropism, geotropism and nastic movements are controlled by hormones called what?

41 Auxins

42 The Amoeba and the Paramecia reproduce asexually by what process.

43 Binary Fission

44 Plant-like Protists are called what?

45 Algae

46 The Protist that is autotrophic and heterotrophic and has an eyespot that can detect light.

47 Euglena

48 Locomotion is achieved by what structures in the amoeba.

49 Pseudopods

50 Paramecia are able to move around and capture prey by using what structures?

51 Cilia

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