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Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs

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1 Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs
Chapter 31 Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs ['θairɔid]甲状腺 Shutcm-MBL 1

2 Thyroid and Thyroid system
促甲状腺素释放激素 促甲状腺激素 Thyroid and Thyroid system Pictures downloaded from Wikipedia Shutcm-MBL

3 Synthesis of the thyroid hormones
Picture downloaded from Wikipedia Shutcm-MBL

4 Physiological effects
1 Growth and development 2 Calorigenic effects 3 Cardiovascular effects 4 Metabolic effects Shutcm-MBL

5 Functional disorders of thyroid紊乱相关疾病
Hypofunction: hypothyroidism  [,haipəu'θairɔidizəm] 甲状腺功能减退 Simple goiter Cretinism ['kri:ti,nizəm] 呆小症 Myxoedema  甲状腺肿 [,miksə'di:mə] 粘液性水肿 Hyperfunction: hyperthyroidism [,haipə‘θairɔidizəm] 甲亢

6 Picture downloaded from network

7 Thyroid hormone: T3 and T4
Clinical applications: thyroid hormone replacement therapy Hypothyroidism: Cretinism Simple goiter Myxoedema Subclinical hypothyroidism Adverse effects: cardiac effects

8 1 Thioureas [,θaiəu‘juəriə]硫脲类 2 Iodine/Iodide [‘aɪədaɪd] 碘化物
Antithyroid drugs Drugs: 1 Thioureas [,θaiəu‘juəriə]硫脲类 2 Iodine/Iodide [‘aɪədaɪd] 碘化物 3 Radioactive iodine 4 β blocking drugs

9 Synthesis of the thyroid hormones
Effects Damage Thioureas Radioactive iodine Iodine/Iodide β blocking drugs

10 Drugs: Thioureas Characteristics:takes effect slowly
Propylthiouracil (丙硫氧嘧啶), Methimazole (甲巯咪唑) Methylthiouracil (甲基硫氧嘧啶), Carbimazole (卡比马唑) Characteristics:takes effect slowly Pharmacological effects: 1 block the uptake of iodine; 2 block the peripheral converting of T4 to T3; 3 inhibit the organification of iodine (inhibit peroxidase)

11 Clinical applications
1 Mild to moderate hyperthyroidism; 2 Prior to the surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism; 3 Thyroid storm: as adjuvant

12 1. Agranulocytosis [ei'ɡrænju,ləusai'təusis]粒性白血球缺乏症
Adverse reactions 1. Agranulocytosis [ei'ɡrænju,ləusai'təusis]粒性白血球缺乏症 2. Transient leukopenia [,lju:kəu'pi:niə] 白血球减少症 3. Maculopapular rush [,mækjulə'pæpju:lə]斑丘疹的 4. Others: fever, urticarial rash, vasculitis, joint pain [,ə:ti‘kεəriəl]荨麻疹的 [,væskju'laitis]血管炎

13 Iodine/Iodide Characteristics:takes effect rapidly
Pharmacological effects (>6 mg/d) : 1 inhibit iodination of thyroglobulin; 2 inhibit the release of TH

14 Clinical applications
1.Hyperthyroidism: in the preoperative period in preparation for thyroidectomy; 2.Thyroid storm: in conjunction with antithyroid drugs and propranolol

15 Adverse reactions 1 Acute hypersensitivity reaction: angioedema, cutaneous hemorrhages, drug fever, arthralgia [ɑ:'θrældʒiə]关节痛 2 Chronic intoxication with iodide: related to the dose.

16 Pharmacological effects:
Radioactive iodine Pharmacological effects: 131I is rapidly and efficiently trapped by the thyroid 1 the originated β-ray (99%) damages exclusively upon the parenchymal cells of the thyroid; 2 the originated γ-ray (1%) passes through the tissue and can be quantified by external detection [pə‘reŋkimə]实质的

17 Clinical applications
1 hyperthyroidism 2 diagnosis of disorders of thyroid function Adverse reactions High incidence of delayed hypothyroidism (3%-6%)

18 β blocking drugs Drugs: propranolol, alprenolol
Pharmacological effects: 1 inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3; 2 improve the symptoms induced by sympathetic activation Clinical applications: thyroid storm, in conjunction with thioureas and iodine/iodide.

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