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Nucleic Acids A macromolecule that carries our genetic material (DNA)

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2 Nucleic Acids A macromolecule that carries our genetic material (DNA)
Contain genes—the blueprint/instructions for making proteins, located at certain points in a chromosome Proteins carry out all cellular activity Two types: DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid RNA: ribonucleic acid

3 Nucleotides Make up nucleic acids (the monomer) Have three parts:
Sugar Deoxyribose (DNA) Ribose (RNA) Phosphate Nitrogen base: Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine (DNA only) Uracil (RNA only)

4 DNA Structure Double helix: like a twisted ladder
Sugar and phosphate form the “sugar phosphate backbone” Nitrogen bases bond in the middle with weak hydrogen bonds All other bonds are strong covalent bonds

5 We call these the “complementary base pairing rules”
DNA Structure Nitrogen bases bond only to their complementary base pair with hydrogen bonds A’s bond with T’s C’s bond with G’s We call these the “complementary base pairing rules”

6 How similar is your DNA to...

7 99.9%

8 How similar is your DNA to...

9 98.8%

10 How similar is your DNA to...

11 60%

12 How similar is your DNA to...

13 61%

14 How similar is your DNA to...

15 80%

16 How similar is your DNA to...

17 90%

18 How similar is your DNA to...

19 60%

20 If you could type 60 words per minute, 8 hours a day, approximately how many years would it take to type the human genome?

21 50 years That’s 146,000 hours Which is 8,760,000 minutes

22 If uncoiled, the DNA in all of your cells would stretch how many miles?

23 10 billion miles That’s 52,800,000,000,000 feet
That’s a trip from Earth to Pluto

24 RNA Structure Single strand of nucleotides with exposed bases
RNA bases bind with DNA bases A’s bind with U’s C’s bind with G’s RNA single strand image: © AndreaLaurel

25 Types of nitrogen bases
Try this! DNA RNA Types of nitrogen bases Type of sugar used Shape A, T, C, G A, U, C, G deoxyribose ribose double helix single strand

26 Basics of Heredity Chromosomes = tightly coiled strands of DNA
Different organisms have different numbers of chromosomes Ex. Humans have 23 pairs (46 total – 23 from mom and 23 from dad) Ex. Dogs have 37 pairs (74 total – 37 from mom and 37 from dad) Genes = a piece of DNA that has instructions to code for one protein One chromosome can contain thousands of genes linked together! So, genes are pieces/sections of DNA. Chromosomes are long strands of DNA all bunched up.


When a cell is ready to divide, it must first copy its DNA. The process of making an identical copy of DNA is called DNA Replication. This happens during the S Phase (Synthesis) of the Cell Cycle. DNA Replication ensures that each new cell will have exactly the same DNA as the original cell.

Enzymes help find complementary bases and bind them according to base-pairing rules. (A-T and C-G) Two identical DNA molecules are formed, each with an “old” strand and a “new” strand. We call this Semi-Conservative Replication (because part of the molecule is conserved/saved.) Resources I love: Build a DNA molecule: DNA Replication Animation: Crash Course YouTube video:

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